8:20 PM 3/10/09 · Fairly early in the series we are introduced to a woman who had the power of illusion...whose, short of looking it up, name I don't recall. Roundabout the 2nd season, or chapter if you prefer, The Company tried to use her to gain control of Sylar but he instead killed her to take her power.
At the time Sylar's powers were all suppressed and he didn't get her power. Knowing what I do now about him that makes more sense but at the time I didn't think that way. His power to intuit how things worked and improve them made me think that he worked out how to get others powers but as he didn't have an ability to take others powers the manner he used anybody could use...
...and frankly, that whole he ate brains nonsense was really grating on my nerves. Though clearly he does take something from the minds of others and integrates it into himself.
Now I know he does possess a power to take others powers in a variety of ways. He just prefers the killing them method as that makes him happy. Still, on some level I can't help but wonder if maybe he has the illusion power on some level and just doesn't realize it.
Do you think Sylar has her power or not?