состоится при поддержке Джо и Даниэля Майера - участников проекта S.A.M. (SYNTHETIC ADRENALINE MUSIC) http://www.myspace.com/projectsamв мocкoвcкoм клyбe «Peлaкc» 26 Марта, Пятница, гдe вcex
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The new EP of Moscow cyberpunks - SKD! Check it now!
Cyber, Sex, Fame, Glamour.
://Преступники Киберпанка, молодые, отвязные и чертовски шумные, SKD стирают границы, взламывают и форматируют законы современной системы
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I'm a fan of Gibson's Bridge series, Burning Chrome, and Virtual Light but I thought Pattern Recognition dragged and was kind of boring. Would I enjoy Spook Country or is it just more of the same?
What do the three subjects listed above have in common? Today's article, of course.
From the article: "The hydrogen economy is getting a shot in the arm from a start-up that says its nanoparticle coatings could make hydrogen easy to produce at home from distilled water, and ultimately bring the cost of hydrogen fuel cells in line with that of
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