err, still a little mad. :( My dad and I keep fighting. According to my mom, we are wicked alike, which is why we "always but heads" as she likes to say. :(
I got to go though, I have a ton of homework. of which aggravates me, to the fullest. :(
April vacation was amazing. I hung out with my favorite people. Except Sarah. :( ♥ I'm in Love with Randy more than ever. Not that any of you care. But, he's just amazing. I care about him so much. ♥ I have an essay due tomorrow. I haven't started to edit it. Be proud. :) ♥ Baby, I Love You.♥
Okay, So I was looking, through some people's Livejournals, who do not write in theirs anymore and I found this thing in Alyse's. I found it amazing. :)
"I think that it is very true. <33 <33 <33
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