I had the enormous pleasure of telling our auditors NO today. Go Me!
Or more precisely:
We can categorically state that our method of calculation is in agreement with the Offering Circular and the detailed contractual documentation for the vehicle. At no point do we include deferred interest in the overcapitalisation calculations, it is accounted for in for the interest coverage test: the vehicle does not operate on a payment-in-kind basis and this is explicitly stated in the documentation.
We trust that this answers your query and that no further discussion of this audit point is necessary.
Let's try that in In Plain English (as opposed to bean-counter-ese)...
Get off, clear off, and F*** off.
F*** barnyard animals, domestic pets, household appliances and agricultural machinery; F*** each other, your partners and immediate relatives, randomly-chosen strangers and commercial sex workers; go and F*** yourselves and, when you have completed this essential task to the satisfaction of all parties concerned, F*** OFF.
There is light at the end of the tunnel: the project will be completed... So I will be out and about and will escape at a reasonable hour to Borders tonight.
The light at the end of the tunnel appears to be an oncoming train. apologies to all who were expecting me at Borders.
Not that I'm the social leper I was a year ago: this weekend saw lunch with
feanelwa, who is looking perky and is, as ever, an entertaining dinner companion - followed by Simes' and E-J's fifth wedding anniversary party. Much beer. Much natter. Bad movies and KITTEN... And when the select band of survivors stirred into life on Sunday morning (just), Simon was ready with tea and 'doorstep' bacon butties.
He is the perfect host.
Home, laundry, housework, and out again to Hinoeuma, where their sound engineer
Compilerbitch had given me a heads-up that the usual industrial noise was off the menu in favour of electric folk. Sorrow (Rose McDowall from Strawberry Switchblade) to be precise... They are Goth. They are Goth. They are pretty damn' good and I will be looking out for them in future.
Plus it was worth it for the double-take from
panzerpenguin when I walked in the door. Were there other people there that I should've recognised?