Jul 19, 2008 12:35
Honeymoon now.
Jun 13, 2008 15:46
I am 23 years old.
Next week I will have my Master of Education degree and a steady job at a great middle school.
Next month I will be married to my best friend and own a 3 bed/2 bath house outside a major city.
I never thought I'd luck out like this.
Apr 15, 2008 23:54
AK Press used to sell a Che shirt with the caption "Not bad for a fucking pinko commie". And now it's gone. I wanted one! Noooooooooo!
Am filled with suck and defeat.
Mar 11, 2008 19:44
Today I slipped and said "damn" in class. Do you know what the kids did?
They burst in applause.
I'm not sure what this says about the youth of America.
Feb 28, 2008 20:02
I had my second lesson observation today and it went GREAT! My supervisor wrote me an e-mail full of amazing compliments.
I owe it all to my kids who were fantastic and on the ball today. Go 3rd period!
..They might get cookies.
Feb 21, 2008 20:32
Today we cut up newspapers and rearranged words to make new headlines. The kids are supposed to write the article to match.
This is what 2nd period came up with: "Madonna's steroid addiction", "Pirates chase Ron Paul", "Jack Black on crack", and "Children burn firefighters".
They are weird, violent little creatures. And I am so amused.
Jan 30, 2008 17:26
I taught my first round of lessons this week. It went really well! I totally heart my kids. 2nd and 4th periods really got into what I was teaching, and it was so cool. I'm also picking up teacher-y habits left and right. I'm exhausted but very happy. Yay!
Jan 24, 2008 21:08
I totally love my 8th graders!
They are *fabulous* kids.
I ran into two of them tonight... and they said "Hi Ms. V!"
It. Was. So. Cute.
They made my day.
Dec 30, 2007 21:37
Dear period,
Your mom's a bitch and so are you.