
Jan 06, 2005 21:41

Well yesterday saw my cousin Jenny, havent seen her since the going away party for my godfather and her whole family since actually its her dad. But kind of felt a lil out of place b/c my aunt colleen and matt and ryan were like all bonded b/c they went to visit them all in georgia this summer and my family didnt go so....and i was jus like yeahh ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

chili21 January 6 2005, 19:35:10 UTC
amanda dont complain.. hes a member of the opposite sex paying atttention to you .. thats more than i can say. just give him some good waxing strategies.. and tell him we'll take him out and un shelter this poor boy.. he just wants freinds.


soccercat4evr January 7 2005, 11:06:37 UTC
they better have a rugby team!!! its my last time to ever be able to play rugby since im not doing it in college, that for sure! screw conrad, we'll find someone else to help us. and his team sux most of the time!! we're way better!!!


kkkayla January 7 2005, 11:43:38 UTC
once last year i played rugby!!


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