(no subject)

Oct 31, 2005 00:47

wantsomem0e: konstantine
trigunobsession: yeah
trigunobsession: its a great song
trigunobsession: what school do you go to again?
wantsomem0e: marian...
wantsomem0e: the all girls, catholic, private kind
trigunobsession: are you religious?
trigunobsession: (i know people who arnt but still go to religious private schools)
wantsomem0e: haha i don't think i've ever been asked that before
wantsomem0e: yeah, catholic
trigunobsession: but do you believe it
trigunobsession: do you practice religiously
wantsomem0e: i go to church but i'm not a fanatic
trigunobsession: good becasue it would make me think less of you
wantsomem0e: really?
trigunobsession: no
trigunobsession: i dont know
wantsomem0e: ...
trigunobsession: im really against organised religion
trigunobsession: its the worst invention ever
wantsomem0e: how come?
trigunobsession: so your catholic right
wantsomem0e: right
trigunobsession: (answering your question not avoiding)
wantsomem0e: yeah i understand
trigunobsession: so you do the whole communion thing
trigunobsession: confession
trigunobsession: batmitsfa
trigunobsession: j/k
wantsomem0e: communion yes, confession i'm not really sure about
wantsomem0e: haha nooooo
trigunobsession: i know thats jewish
trigunobsession: i kid
trigunobsession: anyway
wantsomem0e: right
trigunobsession: so you go to church?
trigunobsession: every sunday
wantsomem0e: yes sir
trigunobsession: they tell you that you have sinned
wantsomem0e: ehh not so much
wantsomem0e: i mean that might be part of the mass
wantsomem0e: but everyone knows that people aren't perfect
trigunobsession: they tell you that if your gay your going to hell
trigunobsession: (im not)
wantsomem0e: we don't really hear that in church
trigunobsession: but its what your religion is
wantsomem0e: it's more of a kind of statement from the church
trigunobsession: yes
trigunobsession: another statement from your church: other religions are wrong
wantsomem0e: just because i;m catholic doesn't mean i believe it
wantsomem0e: no, absolutely false statement right there
trigunobsession: then your nto really catholic
wantsomem0e: no no no no
trigunobsession: you just go to a catholic church
wantsomem0e: wow.
wantsomem0e: you are totally trying to deny my religion
trigunobsession: i dont know what your beliefs are
wantsomem0e: the church does not say that other religions are wrong
trigunobsession: or how your church runs
trigunobsession: well it does
wantsomem0e: you have to back your facts up here
trigunobsession: okay
wantsomem0e: because quite frankly that's bull shit
trigunobsession: haha
trigunobsession: okay
wantsomem0e: i don't know
wantsomem0e: all i know is that....i consider myself a catholic
trigunobsession: okay
wantsomem0e: even if i don't agree with every single belief of the church
trigunobsession: haha
wantsomem0e: i'm down with the core beliefs though
trigunobsession: ahh
trigunobsession: i understand
trigunobsession: there probably is a religion that better suits you then
wantsomem0e: don't think i'm ignorant either, because i'm definitely not
wantsomem0e: and i'm not a hypocrite either
trigunobsession: but if your church works for you
trigunobsession: im happy for you
trigunobsession: i am a huge hypocrite
trigunobsession: although not intentionaly
trigunobsession: when i think about it i feel like a bad peron tho
trigunobsession: but hey
trigunobsession: well
trigunobsession: my reason i dont like religion is
trigunobsession: (i was going to try to apply this to your church but that sorta fell through)
wantsomem0e: it's fine don't worry about it
trigunobsession: they tell you how to live your life
trigunobsession: they tell you what to believe
trigunobsession: and if you dont believe it your wrong
wantsomem0e: look
trigunobsession: if y1 sec
trigunobsession: hold your thought
trigunobsession: please
wantsomem0e: i understand what you're saying, and
wantsomem0e: ahhh no i cna't
trigunobsession: okay then shoot
wantsomem0e: i think those statements are true
wantsomem0e: however
wantsomem0e: every person that belongs to this religion, is here by choice my friend
wantsomem0e: so you cannot say that we are being forced to do anything
wantsomem0e: catholocism is a hell of a lot more than denying gay people heaven rights and forcing people to believe in things
trigunobsession: i slightly dissagree with that
trigunobsession: not the last one
trigunobsession: the one before that
trigunobsession: i know its more than that
wantsomem0e: how can you?
wantsomem0e: choice
wantsomem0e: choice
wantsomem0e: choice
trigunobsession: 1 more time?
trigunobsession: for me
wantsomem0e: CHOICE
trigunobsession: thanks
trigunobsession: hah
trigunobsession: i laugh
trigunobsession: you as a kid
trigunobsession: didnt chose to go to church
wantsomem0e: right
trigunobsession: your parents brought you
wantsomem0e: now as a teenager, i do
trigunobsession: yes
trigunobsession: but if you were brought up in a different religion
trigunobsession: would you now chose catholicism
wantsomem0e: things could be different, i understand that
trigunobsession: you were trained into believing this
trigunobsession: and not sometrhing else
wantsomem0e: so basically
trigunobsession: still here
wantsomem0e: oh man i was gonna be mad
trigunobsession: i will never run from an intelligent argument
trigunobsession: neva!
wantsomem0e: and i suppose in order to truly find my place religion wise, i should take look into every other religion out there
trigunobsession: uhh
trigunobsession: no
trigunobsession: im saying you should quantify and scrutinize your beliefes
trigunobsession: and then find the realigion that matches
trigunobsession: or not
wantsomem0e: hmm.
trigunobsession: if the one you got works for you
trigunobsession: but
trigunobsession: ..... i dodnt know where that but was going
wantsomem0e: haha
trigunobsession: sorry
wantsomem0e: it's ok
trigunobsession: just sorta trailed off
trigunobsession: but anyways
trigunobsession: ive been to a catholic church
wantsomem0e: like...one time or what
trigunobsession: well
trigunobsession: several times but 1 apiece
trigunobsession: ive been to a hard core one
trigunobsession: and some not so hardcore ones
wantsomem0e: there are definitely different types
trigunobsession: but all churches, kingdom halls, synagogs, temples ive been too
trigunobsession: they all tell me in essence that im living my life wrong
trigunobsession: and that there is always something i need to do to better myself
trigunobsession: and my view is why not a religion that says "hey man lets focus on the good points"
trigunobsession: and they dont particulaly
wantsomem0e: hmmm
trigunobsession: ive also looked into satanism
trigunobsession: which i tend to like more than the others
wantsomem0e: i think that could be one that the catholic church denounces
trigunobsession: satanism?
wantsomem0e: definitely
trigunobsession: yeah
trigunobsession: but its not all they crack it up to be
trigunobsession: its not that bad
trigunobsession: because they look at god as good
trigunobsession: and satan need to be feared
wantsomem0e: hmmm
trigunobsession: well satanism looks as satan as a figre head
trigunobsession: not particularly existing
trigunobsession: and what the whole religion is about
trigunobsession: is doing what feels good
wantsomem0e: which isn't always right
trigunobsession: and morealy right
trigunobsession: to you
trigunobsession: moraly*
wantsomem0e: not on the catholic church terms, but on person terms
trigunobsession: yeah
trigunobsession: now wican
wantsomem0e: wait
wantsomem0e: let me talk real quick
trigunobsession: puts ont the limit of other beings coming to harm
trigunobsession: okay
trigunobsession: ill shut it
wantsomem0e: for now
wantsomem0e: so taking everything you said into consideration
wantsomem0e: *are saying?
wantsomem0e: taking "organized religion" totally out of the picture
wantsomem0e: i believe these things to be true:
wantsomem0e: there is a god (it's in religious terms, but whatever)
wantsomem0e: every person has the ability to know right from wrong
wantsomem0e: feeling good all the time is unattainable and unrealistic
wantsomem0e: and that's all i can think of for now
wantsomem0e: and it's what i wanted to tell you before you said anything else
trigunobsession: are those your beliefes or what i am supposed(by you) to believe
wantsomem0e: my beliefs.
trigunobsession: okay
trigunobsession: heres my belifes
wantsomem0e: ok yeah i wanted to know
trigunobsession: i believe there is a "higher power" god or otherwise
trigunobsession: perhaps one perhaps more
trigunobsession: i believe in the "big bang" theory
trigunobsession: i belive in evoulution and life on other plantes
trigunobsession: planets
trigunobsession: *
trigunobsession: i believe life started from a single cell
trigunobsession: on earth
trigunobsession: i believe that people are tought right from wrong by parents
trigunobsession: and other "parental figures"
trigunobsession: and society
trigunobsession: and that if raised in the woods
trigunobsession: and they were tought killing was okay
trigunobsession: they woulndt feel bad becasue it wasnt "wrong" to them
wantsomem0e: *
wantsomem0e: (* means i disagree and i'll explain later)
trigunobsession: thanks
trigunobsession: that wasnt the best example it was a little extream
trigunobsession: i believe that if there is a god he/she doesnt take an active roll in everyday life
wantsomem0e: *
trigunobsession: i dont believe in fate or destiny
wantsomem0e: *
wantsomem0e: (those i agree with)
trigunobsession: i believe i am in controll of my own actions
trigunobsession: (you need to use diferent symbols)
wantsomem0e: hah
wantsomem0e: (a=agree d=disagree?)
trigunobsession: i believe when i die
trigunobsession: i am dead
trigunobsession: i dont believe in souls
trigunobsession: ghosts (cept caitilins)
wantsomem0e: (haha i don't really either)
trigunobsession: i know that
trigunobsession: i dont know
trigunobsession: that sorta summs it up
wantsomem0e: yeah it definitely does
trigunobsession: so you agree that god doesnt play an active roll in every day life
wantsomem0e: yep
trigunobsession: you need to get out of your catholic churh
wantsomem0e: it goes along with the we have control over our own actions thing
wantsomem0e: don't bring up the church right now
trigunobsession: sorry
trigunobsession: just that that is really contradicting to catholicism
wantsomem0e: not necessarily
trigunobsession: and the pope might come and convict you af haracy
wantsomem0e: haha no no no
trigunobsession: lol
wantsomem0e: the case that i'm thinking of is death
wantsomem0e: the church doesn't condone reasoning such as "it was all part of god's plan"
wantsomem0e: because that's is bulllllll shit
wantsomem0e: alright just wanted to give you that little factoid
wantsomem0e: now church discussion is over
wantsomem0e: regarding growing up in the woods
wantsomem0e: i can't see how taking away someone's life, the only thing they have, could be considered ok, even if it was taught to them that way
trigunobsession: ewwwwwwww theres a spider
trigunobsession: squish it
wantsomem0e: that goes along with my conscience belief, that we are born with the ability, not raised with it
trigunobsession: *splat*
trigunobsession: how is that senario different from
wantsomem0e: it's not
trigunobsession: ewwwwww theres a guy i dont like
trigunobsession: squish him
trigunobsession: *splat*
wantsomem0e: other than the fact that we can walk talk think and feel
wantsomem0e: feel-emotion wise
trigunobsession: spiders cant feel
trigunobsession: dogs cant feel?
trigunobsession: cats?
trigunobsession: apes
wantsomem0e: spiders, no
wantsomem0e: the rest yep
trigunobsession: snakes?
trigunobsession: reptiles?
trigunobsession: fish
wantsomem0e: so that's why it's not considered right to kill them
trigunobsession: wherre do you draw the line
wantsomem0e: here's the dividing factor
wantsomem0e: can this creature relate to others emotionally
wantsomem0e: that's it.
trigunobsession: how do you determine this
wantsomem0e: science?
wantsomem0e: observations?
trigunobsession: i dont particulaly think snakes morun the death ofa fellow frined
trigunobsession: or sharks
wantsomem0e: exactly
trigunobsession: but whales do
wantsomem0e: exaccccccccctly
trigunobsession: what about cows
trigunobsession: they dont seem to notice when betsy cow becomes my steak
wantsomem0e: i've never really read up on the emotional capabilities of cows
wantsomem0e: right, so that's why for the most part, people don't think it's a bad thing to kill them
trigunobsession: but PETA dies
trigunobsession: haha
trigunobsession: does*
trigunobsession: the pet hugging basterds
wantsomem0e: haha hypocrisy in action?
trigunobsession: yeah
trigunobsession: i just dot like em
trigunobsession: sorry
wantsomem0e: do you see my point though?
trigunobsession: dont*
trigunobsession: yes
trigunobsession: but wait
trigunobsession: no i dont
wantsomem0e: i didn't think so
trigunobsession: killing a spider is okay?
trigunobsession: or not okay
wantsomem0e: it's ok
trigunobsession: okay
wantsomem0e: well it'
trigunobsession: what about 2 spiders
trigunobsession: im kidding
wantsomem0e: it's considered ok because they are here to eat, reproduce...and that's about it
wantsomem0e: comparing humans to spiders
wantsomem0e: do you see a difference?
trigunobsession: well they interact with their enviornment
trigunobsession: others of their species
trigunobsession: the eat
trigunobsession: produce ofspring
trigunobsession: take in nutrients
trigunobsession: they are still alive
wantsomem0e: yes/no ??
trigunobsession: of course i do
trigunobsession: im makeing this rediculous so perhas you see my point
trigunobsession: what about a frog
trigunobsession: they seem to be semi inteligent
wantsomem0e: ehh
trigunobsession: they know to run when they see my by the side of the pond
wantsomem0e: so do spiders
trigunobsession: they call out to the ladies and say hey baby come over to my lilly pad
wantsomem0e: hahaha
trigunobsession: in there own kinky froggy ways
wantsomem0e: this cannot be considered a serious conversation
trigunobsession: sure it can
trigunobsession: i just make it fun
wantsomem0e: haha you're just making sure i don't detest you by the end of it
trigunobsession: i couldnt care less
trigunobsession: honestly
trigunobsession: people dont mean that much to me
wantsomem0e: harsh.
trigunobsession: not to the point of ima busta cap in yo ass
trigunobsession: but like
trigunobsession: oh you dont wanna befriends any more and you wanna be an ass
trigunobsession: oh well
trigunobsession: make a new friend
trigunobsession: get over it in a week or less
trigunobsession: people are to much work
trigunobsession: but back to the frogs
wantsomem0e: i think they are worth it.
wantsomem0e: anyway yes frogs
trigunobsession: how
trigunobsession: if you squshed a frog the rest of the frog community isnt gonna hold a funeral
wantsomem0e: exactly
wantsomem0e: you aren't contradicting my point you're enforcing it
trigunobsession: oh
trigunobsession: yes its okay to kill them
trigunobsession: i understand now
trigunobsession: sorry i thought it was ayes frogs a worth it
wantsomem0e: no.
wantsomem0e: i mean personally i like frogs
trigunobsession: so o i
wantsomem0e: but seeing a frog flattened on the side of the road won't scar me
trigunobsession: me nither
trigunobsession: but steping on one sorta kills the rest of my day
trigunobsession: but acording to your rules
trigunobsession: they are just here to eat and reproduce
trigunobsession: then die
trigunobsession: so its okay to kill them
wantsomem0e: pretty much
wantsomem0e: alright
wantsomem0e: i guess maybe i have to add another "but" to this statement
wantsomem0e: however, it's only because i like frogs
trigunobsession: alrighty then
trigunobsession: do you like snakes
trigunobsession: or what about seaguls
wantsomem0e: they're not my favorite but i like them well enough
wantsomem0e: caitlin used to have one
trigunobsession: snake or seagul
wantsomem0e: i don't think it's necessary to kill a frog, snake, seagull, etc just because you can
wantsomem0e: a snake haha
trigunobsession: i dont think its necesary to kill spiders just because they are in your house
wantsomem0e: right
trigunobsession: just because its easy er then finding a cup and a piece of paper
trigunobsession: i kill them
trigunobsession: well
wantsomem0e: so regarding human life....
wantsomem0e: it's wrong.
trigunobsession: yeah obviously
trigunobsession: but why
wantsomem0e: not because that's what i was taught
trigunobsession: because someone might miss them when they are gone
trigunobsession: or becasue they can feel
trigunobsession: and their last seconds will be spent in fear
trigunobsession: or they will be awaare that they are dieing
wantsomem0e: because you just took away their only chance of living, relating emotionally to people and things in life, etc.
wantsomem0e: that include your first statement
wantsomem0e: and i guess sort of the last one too
trigunobsession: but what if i grew up in the woods
trigunobsession: away from organized society
wantsomem0e: i still think you could come to this belief
trigunobsession: lord of the flies
trigunobsession: ?
wantsomem0e: never read it
trigunobsession: hmm
trigunobsession: you should
trigunobsession: although not at your school
trigunobsession: they might look down on you
wantsomem0e: ok that is out of line
trigunobsession: no im not kidding
wantsomem0e: i'm sorry, but it is
trigunobsession: sorry then?
wantsomem0e: no
wantsomem0e: don't be sorry
wantsomem0e: because you still think it's true
trigunobsession: okay good because i dont really feel bad about it
wantsomem0e: it's kind of like the don't judge a book by its cover theory
wantsomem0e: as with anything else
trigunobsession: well im pretty sure the catholic church banned lord of the flies
trigunobsession: thats all im saying
wantsomem0e: "my school" doesn't ban any type of literature
trigunobsession: good to know
trigunobsession: i have some books i hink you should read then
wantsomem0e: yeah along with the scarlet letter, catcher in the rye, etc. etc.
trigunobsession: just to see if you raise some eyebrows
wantsomem0e: (the above are banned, i don't know if the church did though)
trigunobsession: yeah
trigunobsession: harry potter
trigunobsession: haha
wantsomem0e: no
trigunobsession: what a waste
wantsomem0e: they didn't ban it
trigunobsession: they were thinking about it
wantsomem0e: the pope wrote a letter denouncing it
wantsomem0e: benedict that is
wantsomem0e: JP was all for it if i remember correctly
trigunobsession: and the frumpy mothers were pushing for it
wantsomem0e: yeah...
wantsomem0e: i love harry potter ps
trigunobsession: me too
trigunobsession: hes a cutie
wantsomem0e: i had a debate in my old school defending it
trigunobsession: i want to go to your school for a day
wantsomem0e: haha that might be one thing they ban
trigunobsession: yeah the penis and all
wantsomem0e: the differences between my school and public school is basically prayer and religion classes
wantsomem0e: and going to church
wantsomem0e: we have some male teachers fyi
trigunobsession: so you get to waste an hour of you day
trigunobsession: ahgh
trigunobsession: sorry
trigunobsession: sorry
wantsomem0e: and male students from the school next door
wantsomem0e: some classes are lame, others are really good
wantsomem0e: like the one i'm in now
trigunobsession: i would like to sit in on one
wantsomem0e: entitled "grief and loss"
trigunobsession: and perhaps ask ethic questions
wantsomem0e: a lot of our own students do that anywa
trigunobsession: good
trigunobsession: as it shold be
trigunobsession: do you pray
wantsomem0e: i agree
wantsomem0e: yeah i do
trigunobsession: why?
wantsomem0e: why not? i don't expect an answer, but it sure as hell helps me sort a lot of things out
trigunobsession: (you should have been able to hear the way the word was said, it wasnt mean)
trigunobsession: ive tried it
trigunobsession: but i found nothing comes of it
trigunobsession: so i was asking if it helps you really
trigunobsession: it didnt do much for me
wantsomem0e: it makes you realize that some things are out of your hands, that you can't explain or predict what's going to happen
wantsomem0e: not necessarily saying that god can
wantsomem0e: but just kind of like realizing the fact
trigunobsession: what is out of your hands
wantsomem0e: for example, the progress of a disease of your family member
wantsomem0e: praying about it...just helps you come to terms with it
trigunobsession: so you pray for the disease to stop, go away
trigunobsession: or for it to be painless
wantsomem0e: no
wantsomem0e: please don't put words in my mouth
trigunobsession: im asking
trigunobsession: i just forgot the question mark
trigunobsession: perhaps my problem was i dont know how to pray
wantsomem0e: no you pray for the ability to be able to deal with whatever happens
wantsomem0e: there's not really a set way to pray
wantsomem0e: you just talk, believing that someone is listening
trigunobsession: so if i just come to terms with my problems by thinking it out
trigunobsession: is that pray
trigunobsession: ing
trigunobsession: hahah
wantsomem0e: no
trigunobsession: prayer
trigunobsession: why not
wantsomem0e: because god isn't involved
trigunobsession: so if you talk out loud
trigunobsession: about your problems
wantsomem0e: it's not even that
trigunobsession: but you dont start it off with "dear god"
trigunobsession: its not praying
wantsomem0e: prayer, by definition, is a conversation with god
wantsomem0e: it could be recognition of the good things that are happening to you
wantsomem0e: it could be a prayer for strength to deal with a hard situation
wantsomem0e: it's communication with the "higher being
wantsomem0e: "
wantsomem0e: i don't see how that can be wrong
wantsomem0e: going in with no expectations
trigunobsession: how is it a conversation
trigunobsession: if he doesnt comunicate back
trigunobsession: or do you feel he does
wantsomem0e: have you ever talked to your dog?
trigunobsession: yes
wantsomem0e: it helps.
trigunobsession: well
wantsomem0e: somehow you find the answer
trigunobsession: i guess no not like that
trigunobsession: i dont talk about problems
wantsomem0e: and maybe it's that there is no answer
trigunobsession: i talk to people
trigunobsession: and sometimes just ask them to listen
trigunobsession: and not say anything
trigunobsession: that helps me
trigunobsession: so if they hung up
trigunobsession: or wernt there
trigunobsession: but i said the same things
trigunobsession: but didnt believe i was talking to got
trigunobsession: god*
trigunobsession: thats not prayer
wantsomem0e: correct
trigunobsession: so do you beleive that if you just talked out your problems to say your wall
trigunobsession: the same end result would not be reached
trigunobsession: that you have to make it a prayer for anything to help
wantsomem0e: mmm
wantsomem0e: i take back my correct statement
wantsomem0e: because it doesn't have to be knowingly
wantsomem0e: but i guess that's what i consider prayer for myself, because i do it knowingly
wantsomem0e: so sorry about that
trigunobsession: so then you believe god takes an active roll when ever you are praying (knowingly or not)
trigunobsession: so if i think things to myself
trigunobsession: and a solution is reached
trigunobsession: i was jut praying
trigunobsession: just*
wantsomem0e: or could be that god lead you to that decision
trigunobsession: so he had an active roll
wantsomem0e: and wait one sec
wantsomem0e: i know you think that contradicts my statement that god doesn't have an active role in daily life
trigunobsession: just part of it
wantsomem0e: well i see how you could think that anyway
trigunobsession: not all of it
trigunobsession: i understand
wantsomem0e: you do?
trigunobsession: yes but do you?
wantsomem0e: like how i don't think that god decided to send hurricane katrina etc?
trigunobsession: hahaha
trigunobsession: to kill the black people
trigunobsession: haha
trigunobsession: (someone said that
trigunobsession: )
wantsomem0e: i definitely rolled my eyes at that one
wantsomem0e: yeah i remember
trigunobsession: i laugh
trigunobsession: and that reminds me
trigunobsession: you know the tsunami
wantsomem0e: itsssssssss 12:25 and you have to wake up in 6 hours?
wantsomem0e: yes
wantsomem0e: 25000 people?
trigunobsession: well
wantsomem0e: around there i think
trigunobsession: fun fact!
trigunobsession: anywya
trigunobsession: that happened during the religious time
trigunobsession: where the people were supposed to go into the water and reflect upon themselves
trigunobsession: and how they are as people
trigunobsession: and how good they are
trigunobsession: and things like that
trigunobsession: so
trigunobsession: i believe that somewhere way back when
trigunobsession: a tsunami hit
trigunobsession: and then they were like god is angry at us
trigunobsession: from now on we will do something religious
wantsomem0e: there's actually stuff about that in the bible
trigunobsession: exactly
trigunobsession: and was this one god
trigunobsession: or was it just nature
wantsomem0e: like how people thought god was angry and merciless etc.
wantsomem0e: ( is merciless a word?)
trigunobsession: i dont know
wantsomem0e: it's just society's interpretation
trigunobsession: was god angry at new orleans
wantsomem0e: you can answer that for yourself
wantsomem0e: i say absolutely not
trigunobsession: exactly
trigunobsession: was he angry at the world
trigunobsession: did he make it rain for 40 days and 40 nights
trigunobsession: no
wantsomem0e: it's a myth
trigunobsession: did he shorten the life spans of people from the 600s
trigunobsession: the the 60's
trigunobsession: no
trigunobsession: did he set fire to the earth to start a new
trigunobsession: no
wantsomem0e: the first 13-or something like that odd chapters of the bible are considered myth by the church fyi
wantsomem0e: well not odd
trigunobsession: good o know
wantsomem0e: you know what i mean
trigunobsession: i didnt know that one
trigunobsession: but then why are they there
wantsomem0e: that cleared a lot of things up for me
trigunobsession: the first part is fake
trigunobsession: but the rest is real
trigunobsession: and you should live by this code
wantsomem0e: as possible explanation and description that's all
trigunobsession: except the first part we didnt really mean that
wantsomem0e: no!
wantsomem0e: seriously
wantsomem0e: it's just like anything else
wantsomem0e: what are thunderstorms?
trigunobsession: is that retorical
trigunobsession: or do you wnat an answer
wantsomem0e: from the age of 1-9 i thought it was god bowling
trigunobsession: dork
wantsomem0e: haha shut up
trigunobsession: hahaha
wantsomem0e: but it's the same phenomenon
wantsomem0e: listen
wantsomem0e: i think we need to table this discussion for right now
trigunobsession: why
trigunobsession: are you sleepy
wantsomem0e: haha no but i know that i will be for the rest of the day tomorrow if i don't go now
trigunobsession: im probably not going to go to bed intill 2:00 tonight because i still have homework
wantsomem0e: haha same here
trigunobsession: thats a bitch
wantsomem0e: another deciding factor
trigunobsession: i am posting this on livejournal
trigunobsession: so you know
wantsomem0e: haha why?
trigunobsession: becasue i think i like you a lot
trigunobsession: (not liek oohhh go out with me)
trigunobsession: but like
trigunobsession: wow i could talk to you for a realy long time
trigunobsession: and still wouldnt be able to best you in a conversation
wantsomem0e: good, i'm happy.
wantsomem0e: damn straight suckaaaaaaa
trigunobsession: which is a first
wantsomem0e: just kidding
trigunobsession: your sweet
trigunobsession: seriously
wantsomem0e: haha thank you
wantsomem0e: let's be friends?
trigunobsession: dur
wantsomem0e: i don't speak german
trigunobsession: its not
trigunobsession: its like duh
trigunobsession: cept
trigunobsession: dur
trigunobsession: i dont know
wantsomem0e: haha ok gotcha
trigunobsession: i didnt make it up
trigunobsession: actualy it annoys me quite compleatly
wantsomem0e: i'm smiling really big (another fyi)
trigunobsession: me too
trigunobsession: this was definatly a good conversation
wantsomem0e: oh yes, and not over either
trigunobsession: and a fyi for you
trigunobsession: i dont necesarily support all views supported in this argument/conversation/debate/discussion
trigunobsession: i just say them to see if you realize the falicys but it seems you do
trigunobsession: which makes me feel like dancing
wantsomem0e: same here, but i tried to show you how it came to be accepted
wantsomem0e: those two statements were so perfect
wantsomem0e: because they were exact opposites but the same
trigunobsession: wait which to
trigunobsession: my 2
wantsomem0e: give me a link to your LJ
trigunobsession: or mine and yours
trigunobsession: 1 sec
wantsomem0e: trigunobsession: i just say them to see if you realize the falicys but it seems you do
wantsomem0e: wantsomem0e: same here, but i tried to show you how it came to be accepted
trigunobsession: right
trigunobsession: thats what i though
trigunobsession: t
trigunobsession: http://www.livejournal.com/users/_0perator_/
trigunobsession: is my icon acceptable?
trigunobsession: or is it moraly wrong
wantsomem0e: haha
wantsomem0e: it's a sign that you're a teenager for sure
trigunobsession: yay im growing up!
trigunobsession: anyway
trigunobsession: goodnight
wantsomem0e: one more FYI
trigunobsession: and when they say why are you so sleepy
trigunobsession: just be like oh my god last night was amazing
wantsomem0e: i was defending the lord!!!
wantsomem0e: haha
trigunobsession: dork
wantsomem0e: i like yours a lot better
wantsomem0e: hah hilarious
wantsomem0e: ok anyway
trigunobsession: seriously
trigunobsession: im gonaa say
trigunobsession: i was up late last night with moe
trigunobsession: and leave it there
trigunobsession: but gimmy your fyi
trigunobsession: they are fun
wantsomem0e: FYI: i don't think you don't care about people
trigunobsession: hmm
trigunobsession: perhaps you will always think that
trigunobsession: hopefully you will be allowed to
trigunobsession: and my last fyi
wantsomem0e: people effect how you feel though
wantsomem0e: and i know this for a fact with you
wantsomem0e: alright sock it to me
trigunobsession: okay 2 last fyi's
wantsomem0e: haha
trigunobsession: (that statemet is ironic)
trigunobsession: this conversation would have not been so good in person
trigunobsession: and
trigunobsession: im wearing super socks right now
trigunobsession: yeah
wantsomem0e: hahahahahahha
trigunobsession: they are nice
wantsomem0e: ####### hilarious
trigunobsession: hey watch it church girl
trigunobsession: :D
wantsomem0e: i agree with the first
wantsomem0e: haha yeah you'd be surprised
wantsomem0e: alright well i love how that was like a 20 minute goodbye
trigunobsession: me too
wantsomem0e: "i was up allllllllllllllllll night with andy"
trigunobsession: and it was amazing
trigunobsession: say that to
wantsomem0e: right right, can't forget that part
trigunobsession: it will make me feel better about myslef
trigunobsession: self*
wantsomem0e: case in point
wantsomem0e: good night!!
trigunobsession: night
wantsomem0e signed off at 12:47:09 AM.
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