(no subject)

Aug 16, 2006 11:29

Just woke up... I'm pretty goddamn tired still... I had an awesome dream last night and when I woke up I was very disappointed.. and still am hahaha ok I'm gonna do this thing I stole from Bonnie.


Birth time: Don't know
Last place you traveled: Fredericton
Eye Color: Brown/green
Nail Color: Blue (which I stole from Bonnie like a year ago muahahaha :P)
Height: 5'3"
Zodiac Sign: Sagitarrius


Your heritage: Dutch, Irish
The shoes you wore today: Uh... I just woke up... but I'm wearing slippers!
Your hair: Long, black/blue, naturally curly but lately it's been straight.
Your weakness: Uh... Larry David?
Your fears: People, gross things happening to my eyes
Your perfect pizza: Cheese and onions.. mmm
One thing you'd like to achieve: I don't know... basic happiness.


Your most overused phrase on messenger: probably something like "hahaha" or "cool" or something along those lines
Your thoughts first waking up: Why do I wake up at 5am everyday!?
Your current worry: Money
Your plans tomorrow: Something sexy?
Your best physical feature: I've been told I have nice lips, and crazy awesome hair... and Sarah always says I have nice boobs and then she says I have no boobs, which isn't true! I kinda do..
Your greatest accomplishment: Not dying yet?


Sunrise or sunset: Sunrise
Gore or horror: Both
Stripes or polka dots: I'm gonna have to go with polka-dots on this one
Money or fame: money, lots of money
Planes or trains: I haven't been on either.... but definatly not trains because they terrify me.. stupid trains
Metal or hardcore: Metal
Your life is: Horrendously annoying
Pools or hot tubs: Hot tub


Cuss: Never..
Do you think you've been in love: How do you 'think' you've been in love? You either know or you don't. And yes I have.
Want to get married: Not especially
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Sometimes
Like to take baths: Sometimes
Get motion sickness: No
Like talking on the phone: No
Like thunderstorms: Sure
Play an instrument: Sometimes I bust out my bass, but I'm not very good at it.
Workout: I do pilates like every day since I have nothing else to do (and btw I've lost like 10 pounds in the last 2 months! probably from my lack of food and funds and constant exercising... but whatever works..)
Like reading: Sometimes


Kind of fruit: Strawberries.. mmm
Music to fall asleep to: I can't sleep with music on, but I usually fall asleep watching a movie.
Time of the day: Night
Feature in the opposite sex: Intelligence, sense of humor, and I seem to like the ridiculously skinny ones.
Car: Uh... Rolls Royce? Not that I'll ever own one, but they're pretty fuckin cool if you ask me.
Thing to do right before bed: Smoke a bowl?
Thing to say when you're mad: Some kind of big crazy rant?
Era: I'm gonna have to go with the 70's because that's when all the cool music was made and all the cool people were still alive.
Colors: red, orange, green


Age you hope to be married: Uh... never? Marriage ruins everything!
Numbers & Names of Children: None hopefully, but if I'm unfourtenate enough to give birth to one of these little monsters, I'd have to go with Zappa for a boy or a girl, because Zappa is awesome, and it's an awesome name too.
Describe your Dream Wedding: Vegas, with an Elvis impersonator performing the ceremony. It's the only way.
How do you want to die: I don't care. Quickly.
Where you want to go to college: Anywhere but Saint John?
What do you want to be when you grow up: A science experiment.
What country would you most like to visit: Holland
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