Title:Party Favors
Author:Toka Syriu
Theme:#5, fiesta:Mexican Party (9/50)
Warnings/Rating:K+, boy love
Disclaimer:I worship Maki Murakami for the creation of Gravitation.
Summary:Don't ask...don't. Thanks go to Lella for the idea.
"Shu, if we're going to get to NG in time for the paty, then you're going to have to find the olives." Hiro glared gently at his younger lover. "And no, Oreos aren't olives."
"Sorry." Shuichi looked at Hiro sheepishly. "And it's not a party!"
The guitarist sighed. "Then what is it?"
"A fiesta!" Breaking out into song, Shuichi began doing the salsa across the grocery store. Stopping in the middle of his song, he looked at a sign on the wall. "Ooh, puppies!"
Dragging the singer away from the ad selling puppies before he begged Hiro to get one, he pulled him down the condiments aisle. Letting go of him, Hiro gestured towards the jars of olives.
"See, Shu? These are olives. They're round, and green, and--" Turning around, he saw that Shuichi had once again dashed off. Running into the next aisle--which just happened to be the feminine care aisle--Hiro spotted Shuichi with two wrapped tampons in his ears and two in his hands. The box lay at his feet and the remaining tampons were scattered across the aisle.
"Look, Hiro!" Shuichi cried.
"Party favors!"