Title: Makeshift Clay
Author: Yuko Hakubi (Me of course ^^)
Theme: #34, eraser
Rating: K
Warnings: Malexmale relationships, slight cuteness.
Disclaimer: I own *nothing*. I am poor, and I have admitted to owning nothing, so leave me alone!
K was almost ready to drop. (Key word, *almost*.) Chasing the three members of Bad Luck around in an attempt to get them to finish the final track on their new album sucked a good deal of energy out of one. Vaguely, he wondered how he was going to have any energy to play with Michael *and* keep Ryuichi in line.
'God knows I love Michael, but why did Judy have to bring him right when Bad Luck is at the end of an album?' He wondered, rubbing the heel of his palm at his gritty eyes. 'A new movie, or a new lover, either one is plausible.'
He hoisted his gun a bit higher up on his shoulder, and continued the short trek to his home. He distantly registered entering the high-rise building and stepping into the elevator, but didn't make much of an impression on him. A phone was ringing shrilly in the apartment, and answered by an over-excited Ryuichi. He replaced the phone in its cradle, and turned to Michael, hard at work at something resting on the kitchen table.
"Michael, he's here! Let's go hide 'til he finds his surprise, okay?"
Michael nodded wordlessly, a grin stretching his mouth. "In here!" He tugged at the hand of his second father, drawing him into the haven of the master bedroom. "Are you gonna read me 'n Kumagorou that book now, Ryuichi?"
"Hai!" Ryuichi confirmed, bouncing on the bed and reaching for the brightly colored (and oddly shiny) picture book resting on a pillow.
"Michael? Ryuichi?" K called, cautious. Last time he'd come home, he'd almost been pummeled by a dozen or so water balloons (Ryuichi's idea, of course).
Even if they weren't plotting, they were never *this* quiet. "Ryuichi----?"
Pausing at the table, K picked up a carefully formed bunny. Scattered over the surface were several wrappers from the kneadable erasers Ryuichi had bought the other day, to make it easier to erase the huge drawings that otherwise littered the wooden floor. Obviously, the bunny was to be Kumagorou, with a little red ribbon tied around its neck. Next to the Kumagorou was a dog-shaped figure, with long, floppy ears and fat all around. Michael had tried to make a sculpture of K's basset hound, Sherlock, who had died a month earlier.
"Did you like our makeshift clay figures, K-chan?" Ryuichi questioned, leaning lazily against the wall. "Michael was trying to cheer you up."
"You'd better go buy more erasers tomorrow, Ryuichi. These aren't going near that floor anytime soon." K replied.