The Basic Stuff:
Name: Megan
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Current location: Chicago
Birthday: 4 January '89
Single or Taken: Single
The Superficial Stuff:
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 5"2
Best feature: Hair
Worst feature: Nose
How many stars do you think you deserve and why? Be honest, but not too modest!: Hmm..3.5-4?
The Entertainment Stuff:
5 Favorite Bands/Artists: Blondie, The Cure, The Cranberries, Madonna,& David Bowie
5 Least Favorite Bands/Artists: Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Jojo, Ashlee Simpson, & Kid Rock
4 Favorite Movies: Party Monster, Moulin Rouge, Pretty Woman, & Rocky Horror Picture Show
4 Least Favorite Movies: Along Came Polly, The Grudge, Legally Blonde 2, & Planet of the Apes
3 Favorite Celebrities: Shaun White, Marilyn Monroe, & Nicole Kidman
3 Least Favorite Celebrities: Donald Trump, Olsen Twins(they count as one), & 50 cent
2 Favorite TV Shows: Law & Order, I <3 the 80's
2 Least Favorite TV Shows: My Super Sweet Sixteen & All That(the new ones)
1 Favorite Hobby/Interest: Fashion
The Other Stuff:
Can you make us laugh? Give it your best shot.
Can you get us another member? Promote to at least 2 users/communities: you make us blush? The mods do love compliments! Hey, if you fail at life. Just go be models you gorgeous gals.
Tell us one random thing about you. I'm a naturally shy person.
Tell us one random thing about your best friend. She is spoiled by her mother.
By the way, how'd you find us? I was invited.
The Picture Stuff:
Post one picture of your favorite sweatshirt please, and one of any pets you may have.
I'm sorry if some of these pictures are HUGE, my photo editing thing expired last week :-/
Ignore the undies. I'm holding my favorite black hoody. (It's Blondie)
It's Kelly! My pup.
Post at least four, and no more than 8, good, clear pictures of yourself - not too big but not too small please, and no photo shopped ones!