Name: Kelly
Age: 21
Location: Upstate NY
Relationship Status: Been dating someone for about a month, we're still in that new happy stage :)
Movie: I LOVE guy movies like Scarface and GoodFellas, but I also like girly ones, for some reason I will ALWAYS love the move Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
Music Artists: I go through my stages with music..I love Evanescence right now
TV Shows: I'm obsessed with MTV reality TV for some reason. I can't wait for Real World Philly
Song:I cant top listening to Ashlee Simpson "La La"
Food: My moms chicken parm, theres nothin better
Color: light purple and black b/c black can always dominate over the others
Sports: I love baseball (go Yanks!), football(Miami all the way) and soccer
Tell us something unusual and random about yourself: all together I have 12 brothers and sisters (4 real, 8 step!) and we are all super close!
Why should you be accepted? Becuase I'm fun, I'll be active and will promote
Promote us yo 2 places and give links: Do you promise to keep promoting us like crazy? of course!
Pictures:Please give us at least must be a clear picture of your face: