♥Name: Marissa Ell
♥Location: RADcliff, Kentucky
♥Age: 17
♥Best quality? I will do anything for my friends.
♥Worst quality? I judge people almost instantly.
♥Best feature? My face and hair?
♥..worst? Everything else.
♥likes: Art, Music, Fashion, Stop-go movies on Sundance, Russian history, Huge sunglasses, "pop" culture of the 70's, the freedom and innocence of early youth, New York City and Chicago
♥hates: Immature young teens, dilusional skanks, drunken whores, kids who pretend to be high/drunk at parties, the fact that I wreck my car, Fallout Boy and all other popular bands, Kids I go to school with who clame to be "emo", and Liars.
♥Bands: The Bloodbrothers, Bright Eyes, Electrocute, Sunn O))), They Shoot Horses Don't They, The Gossip, Le Tigre, Neon Blonde, Ladytron, Cursive, Swearing at Motorist, Say Hi To Your Mom, The Octopus Project, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Head Wound City, The Locust, The Dandy Warhols, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, ect.
♥Books: Animal Farm, Man Without A Country, A Million Little Pices, The Tao of Pooh
♥Movies: DIG!, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), Carrie, Sid and Nancy, Sixteen Candles
♥Food: Tofu!!
♥Color: Brown
♥views on♥
♥Drugs/Alcohol/Sex: I'm not going to lie, I have done more than my fair share of drugs and alcohol. I no longer do much of that now on request of a consierned friend. I do not think you should do it to "fit in" or be "cool". I know that is a cliche but many kids get hooked on those things from the pressures put on them inorder to impress someone. If you are going to drink, wait untill you are at least 18. too many 14 and 15 year olds are finding themselves in rather adult situations as a result of drinking in social invironments. As far as Sex goes, I hate hearing about 14 and 15 year-olds having kids and such and I really wish they would wait untill they were a few more years older. Sex is a personal and intamate things aswell so when you factor that into a relationship involving an emotionally immature girl, things can get gross. Just a not to lads you enjoy having sex with young girls. :) This is just my opinion though. Oh and I hate the Edge. I think it's stupid to do things just for a silly lable. What ever happened to being independent?
♥Pop Music: Fucking disguesting. I dont care if it's good to dance to, musically it sucks and it seriously hurts my ears.
♥Abortion: I, personally, am pro-choice. I think it should be entirely up to the woman to decide if she wants to have a baby or not. Yes she should be amble to take responsability for her actions but there are so many people today in situations where birth control and condoms are not an option because they cannot afford them or they are uneducated about them. Our world today is already overpopulated and there are children who have no one to love them, why not adopt instead?
♥The Mod *GIGGLE*: I love her eye makeup!!
♥Homosexuality: What about it? I think people are the right to live how they please. I think they should be able to get married, live together, and do everything a straight couple can do with out being harrased by ignorant homophobes.
♥Anything else you feel strongly about: Animal cruelity. I fucking hate people who get such a rise out of being cruel to something as innocent and helpless as an animal. They have no voice and no knowledge of what is going on there fore they cannot fight back, they cannot do anything about it at all. Anyone who harms animals is a fucking coward.
..anything you'd like to share? I was shot at by a black man. mhmm.
♥amuse us:
most amazing resaruant ever. It was exactally like the gas station in Texas Chansaw Massacre, rotten pig heads and all.
♥Reasons why we should accept you: Be cause I'm rather amazing and I can dance like a ballarenia. mhmmmm.
♥Where will you promote us to? Everywhere, love face, everywhere.
♥Where did you hear about us? I found you via LiveJournal search.
(taken about a month ago)
Le faceee
el fin ♥