Current mood: Bored.
Current music: Background music on MTV's "True life".
Current taste: Wheat thins. Delicious.
Current hair: Up, wild.
Current clothes: Undies, and two tank tops.
Current annoyance: Brody's ability to be the size of my bed.
Current smell: Fabreeze.
Current thing I should be doing: Nothing really. Sleeping, maybe.
Current windows open: Safari & iChat.
Current desktop picture: Some purple-ly space thing that came with my computer.
Current favorite band: Who knows. I enjoy a lot of music.
Current book: "The Naked Lunch" - Burroughs
Current cd in stereo: I haven't listened to a CD in eons.
Current favorite celeb: ehh, I don't know; celebrities are not my forte.
[ DO YOU.. ]
Smoke?: Quite often.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Not really. I have recurring themes though.
Read the newspaper?: Yes, when I eat.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yes, I do.
Believe in miracles?: Not really. But I'm hopeful.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Sure do.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Not at all.
Have you seen what's out there?: Some of it. You can never see it all.
Consider love a mistake?: No, I think love is wonderful.
Like the taste of alcohol?: No, but I like the feeling of being drunk.
Have a favorite candy?: I love all candy, all the time, it makes up 75% of my diet.
Believe in astrology?: No. I like the stories of the constellations though.
Believe in magic?: Ehh, no.
Believe in god?: I don't think I do, but I don't think I don't. I don't dwell on those types of things.
Have any pets: MANY. Brody [dog], Bailey [dog], Senor Taco [gerbil], Xombie/Katie [gerbil], Jigaboo [gerbil], Gnarly [hedgehog], Bodacious [hedgehog], Sully [hedgehog], Zeek [hedgehog], Quincy [hedgehog] and Baby [bird].
Go to or plan to go to college: I go to Brookdale. Whether it's actually a college or not is yet to be decided.
Have any piercings?: Hmm.
Have any tattoos?: Just an itty bitty baby homemade one.
Hate yourself: Not usually.
Have an obsession?: Nope.
Have a best friend?: Kind of.
Wish on stars?: Occasionally.
Ever been in love?: I am now.
When did you lose your virginity?: When I was sixteen.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not really, it's not logical.
Do you believe in "the one?": Yes.
Describe your ideal significant other: Jonathan.
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: I guess.
Have you ever been intoxicated?: A number of times.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": I suppose.
Are you a tease?: No.
Shy to make the first move?: Not at all.
Eyes: Two.
Height: Five one. It's pitiful.
Bought: Food.
Ate & Drank: Wheat thins and orange seltzer.
Read: I don't even know. The Asbury Park Press?
Watched on TV: True life - something about drug addicts.
beer or cider: Cider.
drinks or shots: Shots.
cats or dogs: Dogs.
pen or pencil: Pens.
gloves or mittens: Those gloves without the fingers that are actually mittens. So mittens? glittens?
food or candy: Food. I guess. Candy is easier though.
cassette or cd: CD.
coke or pepsi: eww. Neither.
kill: No one?
get really wasted with: No one? Any one?
look like: Myself.
avoid: Serial Killers and rapists.
Drank alcohol?: Yes.
Broken the law?: A number of times.
Run away from home?: Yeah, I was so badass.
Broken a bone?: Just fingers and toes. Nothing cool.
Played Truth Or Dare?: A long time ago.
Kissed someone you didn't know?: No.
Been in a fight?: Yes.
Come close to dying?: Maybe.
[ WHAT IS.. ]
Your bedroom like?: Too cold.
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: Banana pancakes.
Your favorite restaurant?: Any place with chicken tenders.
What's on your bedside table?: Two remotes, a bunch of earrings, phone, glow in the dark star thing, alarm clock, Brody's collar, a candle, and foam letters.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: It depends where I am. My house: nothing, or something gross. Jon's house: Chicken.
What is your biggest fear?: Being a failure.
Describe your bed: Too soft, lots of pillows. Brody is in it.
Spontaneous or plain?: Spontaneity is the spice of life!
Do you know how to play poker?: Aren't there like four billion different ways? I guess. I don't really exercise this knowledge though.
What do you carry with you at all times? My phone.
How do you drive? Fast. I don't really drive though.
What do you miss most about being little? My old house. No stress.
Are you happy with your given name? Yeah, it's different. "Hurricane Katrina" jokes are kind of old though.
What color is your bedroom? Red.
Have you ever been in a play? Yes.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?. Fuck yes, I'm a cold hearted bitch.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Sometimes. It depends.