i was in hollywood,santa monica, and chinatown in LA
then i was in las vegas woop wooop
got to swim in the ocean, i wish we had one, shitz fun as hell.
bout shit myself when i found out we were staying 100 yards away from the war of the worlds premire.
SHITTY PICTURES, sorry they suck so bad
Santa Monica Pier
On the pier lookin' towards the coastline
Chinatown, which back in the day was Little Italy, the fucks took it over. Saw where rush hour was filmed.
ok now these pictures are even shittier
Ice Cube biatch
David Hasselhof..somethin like that..wow i can almost see his face..
Will Smith, excuse the weird yellow line things?..maybes some MIB thing
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
terrible pictures...i was about to take a really close shot of Anthony Hopkins but the bodyguard guy was like, you gotta keep movin kid.fuck that bitch.
What happens to your car when you drive across 8 states...shit sucks.bugs gross.
maybe i'll post the other pictures from the non-digital cameras later....