Application <3

Dec 29, 2004 17:34

Name: Amber Lynne
Age/birthday 15 April 5th 1989
sex/sexuality Female/straight
location (optional) Simi Valley, Cali
5 favorite bands: Missy Elliot, B.E.P, D-12, Gunit, St.Lunatics

4 favorite movies: Walk to Remember, Grease, ClockWork Orange, and Matrix
3 tv shows: Game shows (like Shop til you drop), The Swan, and Life as we know it.
2 books: Lovely Bones, and Sloppy firsts(and the sequel Second Helpings)
1 food: Pasta
the government: The government is run pretty well, but I don't agree with the war and the problems we've have with other countries. We should be able to form strong alliances instead of bomb the areas.
abortion: I am against except in certain cases such as rape. I understand if you're going to have sex young because you think you're ready but if you make the mistake of getting pregnant, yu shouldn't be able to just get rid of it like that. If you were unwillingly forced to have unprotected sex, then getting an abortion is really the only answer.
drugs/alcohol: I've never tried drugs but most of my friends have and a couple of my father's friends have died from them. Drugs are unimportant and they cause problems, like diseases and death. Alcohol...I dont drink, but like many people say, a drink once in awhile is okay...if you're of age, and aren't an alcoholic or drunk driving.
plastic surgery: I wouldn't get plastic surgery, but I watch The Swan and to see some of those ladies finally look they've wanted for years makes me happy, so if you really need/want it I guess its okay...but if you're gorgeous already and just want to be more beautiful...then i dont think there is a point.
religion: I am Christian. My mother is also, and she married into a Jewish family. We still celebrate christmas and I go to church, and I was Baptized into the Christian faith. Religion is a big part of peoples lives now and it kind of segregates people, and that aspect of it I dont really understand or even like.
other: (On Models) I think that not all models must be stick skinny to be beautiful. Many people believe that being skinny is the only important thing but I believe that people should look at more than just people's weight.
tell us one random fact about you: My boyfriend plays football with his friends and I usually play with them and everyone says that I am the best girl football player they have seen. <3
list atleast one journal or community you promoted in: ______hawt  <3
atleast 3 clear pictures of yourself:

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