i know i just did this. but i'm about finished with my final so i'm going to throw it all up here so i can decide on an order or something. so here goes:
yea. it scanned crappy.
haha. look at dollface being a wierdo. ♥
that was a nice little sprint to get to those chairs.
i'm in the back there somewhere, i know it.
it looked like death.
i'm lazy.
attack of the giant shadow girl!
..told you i was lazy.
i'm the worst caption writer ever.
i know it's the same picture. but cropped and stuff. meh.
i was actually hiding because some people came into the theatre. and i hate people.
another crappy scan job.
"i have to go to the bathroom so bad right now.."
meh. i got tired.
all i know is that this one's last because, you know, it looks like a good ending picture..
so, if you look at this, let me know which you think should be in and which should be out(i have to pick ten). please. even if you don't ever comment. or if i don't know you. or if i know you but don't know that you look at this journal. that means everyone. even if i don't like you. you can even just be anonymous. ok so just opinionate. now, please.
(also, i have to choose "the best" two pictures to print on 11x14 fiber paper. so which two are your favorites?)