Sorry it took so long, guys!
These were taken two weeks ago before we really did much of anything.
This is a view from the side. We have brick there because this actually used to be our outside patio - we just enclosed it. There's our hot tub, the wood panelling that my dad did, and my mom's flat-screen TV.
A shot of the furniture we got at Cost-Co and my brother sleeping on it. Above the couch is my mom's painting of the Detroit Pistons starting five - it was a Christmas present from Nick.
Yeah, he's pretty lazy.
A close-up of my mom's favorite team in the whole world. This room is where she watches all her games.
A shot from the outside. All that grated area is now covered in concrete - we extended the patio out quite a bit. And all the area around the concrete is now garden (that took me forever to dig up and plant).
And just another shot of our fireplace.
It's still kinda messy - we're still working on it, trying to get things fixed up.