(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 11:57

people these days have no idea how stupid they make themselves look
our world really has got to be coming to and end
im so sick and tired of people being carbon copies of one another
"omg this band, omg that band, omg every band that my friends like!"
"omg lets go get drunk lolol omg lets go get high! and have sex too!!"
i really wouldnt mind any of this stuff if people didnt brag about it
i sat at my lunch table of annoying sophomores one day and heard them all talk about one thing:
some girls sweet sixteen party and how drunk they got
i thought it was so cool how they all got so drunk that they remembered every single detail of that party
ahhhfdfksd im so bitter right now and i havent acted this way in so long :( i am a bitch
oh yeah and i see kids shoplifting things left and right too
then they brag about it and tell people
there are two problems with that right there, buddy:
1. someone may have worked hard to make that, and you just made their company go further into debt
now they will have to raise the prices of their products, making people who actually pay, LIKE ME FOR EXAMPLE, pay more for what they want while you go and take things like its okay to do that
i dont care about little things being stolen, but wtf? clothes? iPods? cds? COME ON!
if you cant afford it, then go with a cheaper alternative
and if you just dont want to pay for it, then dont buy it, jerk
my other problem! 2. be careful about who you trust. people hear stuff from other people, and the next thing you know, the whole world knokws what youve done, and a cop or something is bound to find out
and by that time, who knows?
you may have stolen enough to be charged with grand theft
then you are screwed, and i laugh at you

that was my rant of the day/week/month/year
sorry for coming off as a bitch, but its my journal and im sick of alot of things, including people
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