
Jul 26, 2005 10:38

We want to keep this community rid of uglies. If you think someone is ugly- challenge them out!

We need:

[o1] An LJ-cut with your username and the username of the person you're challenging.

[o2] 3 pics of you, 3 pics of them.

[o3] Your reason for the challenge.

Challenges are open and will be closed by a mod usually after 48 hours.

The loser is removed from the community, placed in the 'fugly corner' and may reapply. (If you're re-accepted, we'll take you out of the fugly corner! xD)

Application For Challenges

I am challenging because (insert reason here).
3-5 pictures of me:

1-5 pictures of

If there's someone you don't like, you can kick them out.

You must get mod-approval, however. If you get a 'yes' from even one of the MoDs, the person getting the boot is, well, out.

You may fill out another app, but it will be voted on, and you might not make it in. This does not, however, count towards your re-application. Meaning, if you fail the second time around, we'll treat you like a new-applicant and you have the right to re-apply.

You can not boot mods. MoDs are Gods... Fersher.

I'll be kicking off 'Member of the Month'... Member of the month gets an automatic [x] stamp. Impress me, impress the mods, or the members, and we'll have a nomination and a vote... maybe whoever has the most points or something. It will probably take over fansign-of-the-moment. ^-^;

Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Whatev.

Start a riot!
