Please if you want to :P Comment the answers to which movies these lines are in... Most are very easy... probably could get all of them :)
1. "Are you stalking me cause that would be super"
2. "Shampoo is Better, no conditioner is Better..."-
pinkfuzzyducks Billy madison.
3. You had me at hello."-
pinkfuzzyducks Jerry Maguire
4. "There is still some good left in this world Mr.Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."-
frankiesdelight Lord of the Rings
5. "Yes the past can hurt, but the way I see it you can either run from it, or, learn from it."-
pinkfuzzyducks The Lion King
6. "When I find the masaganistic-bastard who invented heels, Ill kill him"
7. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"-
pinkfuzzyducks Forest Gump
8. "honestly, who throws a shoe?"-
pinkfuzzyducks Austin Powers
9. "I wrote you everyday for a year"-
pinkfuzzyducks The Notebook
10. " feet are sweating."
11. "Whatever I feel like doing. Gosh!"-
pinkfuzzyducks Napolean Dynomite
12. "But why is the rum gone?!"-
pinkfuzzyducks Pirate of the Caribbean
13. "I just have to warn you, Pussy is a mess"
14. "thank u come again"
15. "I ran my van into jesus? I RAN MY VAN INTO JESUS?!"-
pinkfuzzyducks Saved
16. "English mother fucker! DO YOU SPEAK IT!?!"
17. "nobody puts baby in a corner"-
pinkfuzzyducks Dirty Dancing
18. "the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return..."-
pinkfuzzyducks Moulin Rouge
19. "Don't make fun of my hobbies; i don't make fun of the fact that you're an ass hole"-
frankiesdelight Garden State
21. "Why are you wearing that stupid buuny suit?"
22. "Spiders? Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?"-
pinkfuzzyducks Harry Potter 2
23. "With great power comes great responsibility"-
pinkfuzzyducks Spiderman
24. "I'll be Back"-
pinkfuzzyducks The Terminator
25. "I'm king of the world!"-
pinkfuzzyducks Titanic
26. "haha You're really wierd"-
pinkfuzzyducks Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (haha I knew you'd get that robs... :D)
27. "You better say every prayer you ever heard before kid!"
28. "Go back to china, Bitch!!"
29. "Nucking Futs!"
30. "is it necessary,is it necessary for me to drink my own but its sterile and i like the taste"-
pinkfuzzyducks Dodgeball
ANSWERS COMING SOON!!! COME ON PEOPLE (other than robyn) They're really easy!! :)