so, here are pictures from last weekend at david's on our 1 year
p.s. this are huge but i gon't have photoshop right now to resize them sorry
i woke up and saw snow so i ran down to davids room and jumpe don him and screamed "SNOW!"
this is what he did
then he jumped up looked outside and said "holy shit" then died again so i said "FINE POOPIEHEAD!"
i stole the blankets and he gasped and made a funny face [[thats my excuse for my hiddious face]]
of course not david tries to get me back with camera so i hid
...not very well i guess..
AHA but now can you find me?!
MWAHA I GOT HIM BACK!!!... kinda..
pretending to be asleep so you don't have to have your picture taken huh? YOU CAN HIDE FROM THE ALL MIGHTY CAMERA!
see! i always get you no matter what... even though he is still half asleep
FINIALLY! i got him out of bed so we can play in the snow
while i took pictures of the side of his house
i ate snow and he said he doens't like eating snow... so i got sad
he made up for it ♥
but, he still wasn't done making up for it
so i caught him.. and as you can see he's not happy about it
then we went to go pic a christmas tree!! and there was one tree that didn't have pants on...
so he strangled it.
so, as you know yesterday was the funeral.. and after everyone came to my house and i snagged a picture of everyone wheather they liked it or not... enjoy:
my cousin richie he's 12 and he is the cutest boy i know [[sorry david]]
his kid brother austin who is also the cutest boy i know he's 8
during the wake austin had his mom's phone and kept sneaking pictures of me. so when we got to my house we had a picture war.. it ended in a tickle war of course
mwahha i caught him!
aunt lara[[arg]] and her husband will
my cousin mark he looked scared so we decided to take another
this is my uncle dick's brother [[my uncle dick is the one that died]]
austin took another picture of me and decided to show it everyone but, he blocked my sisters face the lady next to him is my cousin.. i think.. and my grandma
my cousins [[richie& austin's parents]] the guy is my uncle dick's son
all of them together minus richie if they had 1 boy and then a little girl they'd be the picture perfect family am i right!?
my daddy's best friend sucking up to my mommy
during the picture war with austin my kid brother jumped in.. literally..
richie and austin... again hehe
my cousing mario [[his mom is richie's dad's brother]]
my uncle[[who everyone says i look SOO much like]] my cousin BJ who is the most kick ass old guy i have EVER met in my life! my cousins's[[mario's parents]]
my daddy&& his best friend bobby
my cousin eddie who also kicks ass and my other cousin who i keep forgeting her name the last time i saw her i was 8 and i wrote a song and she wanted to put me on TV to sing it haha
my cousin BJ again and his daughter Teri
mario's sister lehia
pfft and my car!!♥