Title: Two Eras [Part 3/3 : The People You Love]
Pairing: Mike Piazza/David Wright
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't know them. Don't own them. I'm not making money. This only happened in my head.
General Summary:
Part 1 here. Part 2 here. David's a rising star on the Mets while Mike's time on the team comes to an end. All three parts take place over
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Comments 8
If so: *SQUEE*
LOVE MIKE PIAZZA...David is great too and when he's all grown up...oooh.
If not: What a great story.
Either way, I loved it and hope there is more Mike in the future.
I don't know if I'll ever pair him up with someone from the Mets again, maybe someone from the A's if it sparks for me. I just got the itch to do these two and had to get it out of my system, *lol*
Gosh, if Zito hadn't left... him and Piazza... *fans self*
♥ Loved it.
(The comment has been removed)
Thank you so much :)
Love that you incorporated Mike's heavy metal love :) And that, even at a BLS show, he's in a back room watching the end of the NLCS.
It'll be the weirdest thing to point out, but I really liked opening with David sitting on the end of the bed and tracing the bottle rim with a finger. I could picture it very well.
When Mike came, with Jose sleeping in the back room, I was like o_o! *lol!*
"Why ya smilin'?"
"Because I love you."
*_* *squishes both of them*
And your Jose speak still owns me ;D
Loved the shirt coming back in the end! And not just because of my kink for it :p He was bringing a part of Mike with him, even though their lives were both moving on without what they used to have, and that was sweet :)
"I'm from Brooklyn, dude."
Loved it!
I wanted to have David sitting the same way Mike was while he was watching the game and give him this nice little moment of thought.
Yay, I'm so glad you liked the end. ♥
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