Title: Without You
Pairing: David Wright/Xavier Nady
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't know them. Don't own them. I'm not making money. This only happened in my head.
Notes: Wrote this because I miss X being our right-fielder and I hope he starts to feel better. That and I like to whore David out to pretty much everyone. ;) Enjoy. Comments are love.
David tightened his grip around the thermos in his hands. )
Comments 8
It's just sad what they're testing him for. I loved this fic *_*.
I hope he turns out okay ♥
Thank youuu
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But on a more serious note, *snugs*. I hope things work out for Nady and that he turns out to be fine. I also hope writing this helped ease a little of your worry :)
The fic itself was very sweet. It really brought out that tender side to David's personality.
Strange as it sounds, writing it did help. I just wish I knew some information. Everything I read is "did more tests today, we'll know something tomorrow" but it's been like five tomorrows and still nothing. :/ I guess he's not that well known so it's not a huge story. (*eyes The Dugout*)
Can't you just picture David to be the kind of guy to drive across the state of Florida to bring his sweetheart soup? ♥ *hee*
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Glad you liked the fic :)
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