(no subject)

Apr 18, 2006 23:29

karedactyl (11:17:59 PM): yeah after tonight.. i understand why people would shake babies
wizzimoe (11:24:07 PM): ahahahh really?
karedactyl (11:24:17 PM): she wiped her nose on my freaking lacoste polo
wizzimoe (11:24:18 PM): that bad, eh?
karedactyl (11:24:21 PM): which i paid too much for
wizzimoe (11:24:22 PM): NO SHE DIDNT
karedactyl (11:24:25 PM): but STILL
wizzimoe (11:24:27 PM): the one from chicago'
karedactyl (11:24:29 PM): yes
karedactyl (11:24:32 PM): and she wouldnt stop crying
wizzimoe (11:24:39 PM): how old was she?
karedactyl (11:24:42 PM): and i didnt know how to change a diaper, because i thought she would be older
karedactyl (11:24:43 PM): like 1
karedactyl (11:24:47 PM): catastrophe
wizzimoe (11:24:52 PM): aaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahahahhahahhaha
wizzimoe (11:24:54 PM): did you tho'/
karedactyl (11:24:58 PM): i called mal and put her on speaker phone so she could walk me through changing a diaper
karedactyl (11:25:08 PM): and then i broke the handle on the diaper genie when i was trying to figure it out
wizzimoe (11:25:11 PM): hahahahhhhahahhahhah
wizzimoe (11:25:15 PM): hahahhahahahhahhahahahahaaha
karedactyl (11:25:17 PM): so at this point i'm like "FUCK!"
karedactyl (11:25:20 PM): and i fixed the handle
wizzimoe (11:25:27 PM): hahahah you cant see but im tearing up karen ahahahhahhaha
karedactyl (11:25:33 PM): and called jangus, and she googled "diaper genie" and told me how to use it
karedactyl (11:25:35 PM): but it didnt work
wizzimoe (11:25:42 PM): hahhahahahhaahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhaha
karedactyl (11:25:43 PM): so the diaper is just sitting in it right now
karedactyl (11:25:48 PM): and i didnt tell them when i left
wizzimoe (11:25:57 PM): what the fuck is a diaper genie
wizzimoe (11:25:59 PM): ahahhahahahha
karedactyl (11:25:59 PM): im just gonna say i put the diaper in, turned the handle, and didnt bother to look inside
wizzimoe (11:26:05 PM): hahhahahahahhaha
karedactyl (11:26:07 PM): it like... wraps up dirty diapers in plastic or seomthing
karedactyl (11:26:09 PM): i dont fucking know
karedactyl (11:26:10 PM): hahahaha
karedactyl (11:26:12 PM): I BROKE THE DAMN THING!
wizzimoe (11:26:13 PM): hahahhahahaah
karedactyl (11:26:19 PM): so yeah
wizzimoe (11:26:20 PM): omg you made my fucking day
wizzimoe (11:26:22 PM): right now
karedactyl (11:26:22 PM): hahahahahahah
karedactyl (11:26:23 PM):
wizzimoe (11:26:24 PM): hahhahaha
karedactyl (11:26:33 PM): i was on the phone/texting like 4 different people trying to figure this shit out
karedactyl (11:26:35 PM): it was hilarious
wizzimoe (11:26:40 PM): hahahhahahahhahahaha
wizzimoe (11:26:44 PM): i can so see you flipping out
karedactyl (11:26:47 PM): oh and i pretty much offended the husband when i first walked in the door
wizzimoe (11:26:52 PM): whaaat?
karedactyl (11:26:59 PM): cause their house looks exactly like mine, like the outside and the layout and everything
karedactyl (11:27:02 PM): and i said something about that
wizzimoe (11:27:03 PM): yea
karedactyl (11:27:10 PM): and he's like "this is a custom built home."
wizzimoe (11:27:14 PM): oh fuck
karedactyl (11:27:14 PM): and im just like "....FUCK"
wizzimoe (11:27:18 PM): hahhaaahhahhahahaa
wizzimoe (11:27:22 PM): um, not a good start
karedactyl (11:27:27 PM): guess it's not so custom since it's exactly the same as mine
karedactyl (11:27:32 PM): but whatev.
wizzimoe (11:27:34 PM): you shoulda known after that you were in for it
karedactyl (11:27:37 PM): hahahah I KNOW!
wizzimoe (11:27:40 PM): hahhaha not really that custom bitch
karedactyl (11:27:47 PM): i was like "well you got lied to"
karedactyl (11:27:50 PM): not really, but i wanted to say it.
wizzimoe (11:28:12 PM): hahhahahhahahha
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