day 2 of the 4 day weekend.
thursday night was burger king & starbucks with melissa, corey, and dawn.
then dawn, corey, and i hung out with justin, harry, dan, and ross over corey's.
yesterday was supposed to be prom dress browsing, but corey was too tired from the night before, so we didn't go. i went over josh's last night for a few hours.
today i went to the mall with corey and we saw like 87897 people that i knew.
dianne & devon in pacsun, some kid that looked like (& might have been) calan, and like 3 other people that i don't remember. but the best was seeing christian from like 50 feet away...even though i didn't get to say hi to him. poop on that.
tomorrow i told amber we'd hang out, then adam asked me to hang out, so i invited him along, and now i think corey is hanging out with us too. & i have an interview at dairy queen in struthers tomorrow at 11 am.
i don't work all this week until friday 4-11. that fucking sucks.
& i wish i was in pittsburgh with jen at a frat party right about now.
i'm off to read my new cosmo & maybe eat some popcorn.