[1] First name? amanda
[2]Middle name? leigh
[3]Last name? allen
[4]Nicknames? dot?
[5]Gender? girl
[6]Birthday? september 24, 87
[7]Age? seventeen
[8]Sign? libra
[9]Single? nope
[10]Who is the lucky someone? dewy<3
[11]Have you ever been in love? yes
[12]Who are your crushes? ..
[13]Your hair is? blonde, dreaded, ugly
[14]Your eyes are? blue
[15]Are you pierced? my ears.
[16]Any former piercings? the top of my ear used to be pierced but it closed up
[17]Any wanted piercings? i suppose
[18]Any ink? no
[19]What ink do you want? not sure yet; that's why i don't have any.
[20]Are you tall? nope
[21]Weight? 120 to 122 or something like that
[22]Do you smoke? gross.
[23]Do your friends? i know a few
[24]Closest friends? brittany & dewy & maggie & craig & ashlee & jen & scaryhead
[25]Best friends? ^^
[26]Online best friends? uhh
[27]Funniest friend? all of them are funny
[28]Smartest friend? not sure
[29]Dumbest friend? not sure
[30]Most outgoing? don't know
[31]Shyest? me
[32]Favorite quote? don't know
[33]Favorite number? 987439
[34]Favorite food? taco bell
[35]Least Favorite food? mustard & pickles
[36]Favorite movie? eternal sunshine
[37]Favorite song? lots
[38]Favorite color? anything bright or white
[39]Time of day? night
[40]Dusk or dawn? dusk
[41]Scent? coconuts
[42]Type of music? lots
[43]Rap or Hip hop? rap
[44]Punk or metal? punk
[45]Last person kissed? dewy
[46]Last hugged? dewy
[47]Last thing ate? hershey's kiss
[48]Last person talked to online? maggie
[49]Would you trust them with your life? yeah
[50]How long was your longest relationship? almost four years
[51]How long have you been in love? i don't know; my situation is rather complicated at the moment
[52]Bath and Body or Store stuff? huh?
[53]Sports? i'm not in very good shape.
[54]Hobbies? umm i like livejournal and talking on the phone and taking pictures and playing in the rain and watching movies and playing cards and pretty pretty princess and stuff.
[55]Turn ons? sweetness
[56]Turn offs? meanness
[57]What are you wearing? light blue & gray & black weird stripey skirt and a light blue used shirt and some black vans
[58]Do you like to shop? uh huh
[59]What shampoo do you use? strip searh
[60]Body wash? whatever's in the shower
[61]Toothpaste? whatever's there
[62]What lyrics describe your life right now? i don't know
[63]Do you look like anyone famous? haha.. i've gotten dot a few hundred times
[64]The time is? 5:17
[65]What time did you wake up? 7:00
[66]You are listening to? the doors
[67]You are thinking about? umm getting something to drink & dewy & i'm bored.
[68]Will you get married? if anyone ever wants to marry me
[69]Favorite girl names? don't know
[70]Favorite guy names? ..
[71]Siblings? two of em
[72]Name? sarah & sandra
[73]Hottest person in your school? uhh
[74]Cell phone? yeah
[75]Memory..Bad..? umm lots
[76]Memory..Good..? the whole summer before last
[77]Do you like soda? yep
[78]What kind..? mountain dew
[79]Are you on a diet? no
[80]Your last boyfriend was...? well my current one is dewy.. but my last one was rob
[81]How did it end..? long story
[82]Do you wear jewelry? yeah
[83]What do you wear? plastic stuff.
[84]Ocean or pool? ocean
[85]Favorite school subject? art
[86]Worst school subject? math & science
[87]How many sleeping hours do you get? usually like seven during the week and like.. two on the weekends
[88]Do you get along with your family? sometimes
[89]What is your striving job outside of school when graduating? uhh i have no idea
[90]Do you swear a lot? i don't say bad words.
[91]In front of parents? ..
[92]Opinion on religion? it's uh good?
[93]Since when? what?
[94]Opinion on government? i don't know..
[95]Why? ..
[96]Where is all your time spent? on the computer or with friends
[97]Do you like where you live? yeah i guess it's alright but it's kind of far away from all of my friends
[98]Where do you live? mcdonough
[99]Where do you want to move to? i like savanna a lot.
[100]Why? it's really pretty and i like it there and i wanna live by the beach
[101]Do people say you are crazy? i don't know
Last Cigarette: never.
Last Alcoholic Drink: umm i tried some of this stuff ashlee made a few weeks ago.
Last Car Ride: home from school
Last Kiss: yesterday
Last Good Cry: it's been a while actually
Last Library Book: i don't like checking books out; i like owning them
Last book bought: false memory by dean koontz
Last Book Read: ^
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: the jacket with dewy
Last Movie Rented: well me & dewy tried to rent spun, mallrats and some other ones but they wouldn't let us cause they're gay
Last Cuss Word Uttered: no idea..
Last Beverage Drank: root beer
Last Food Consumed: hershey's kiss
Last Crush: dewy
Last Phone Call: dewy
Last TV Show Watched: don't remember
Last Time Showered: last night
Last Shoes Worn: gray chucks
Last CD Played: a burned one
Last Item Bought: uhmm i bought some weird teriyaki chicken at school today
Last Download: okee from muskogee by merle haggard
Last Annoyance: this skirt i'm wearing
Last Disappointment: the weekend ending
Last Soda Drank: root beer
Last Thing Written: something in fifth period i guess
Last Key Used: s?
Last Words Spoken: okay
Last Sleep: uh.. last night/this morning
Last Ice Cream Eaten: umm i ate some cookie dough ice cream on the field trip to the high museum
Last Chair Sat In: this one.
Last Webpage Visited: livejournal & myspace