Name- Maureen aka MO*IZZLE
Born on- 12/27
Ever been given a ring- Yepp.
Longest Relationship- about 9 1/2 months.
Why did it end- Mehh. many reasons.
Last gift you gave- I wrote Cheryl a letter today & tomorrow I'm planning on getting Bre'Anna a gift.
How many times have you dropped your cellphone- somewhere around a thousand. back in the day when fucking kids didn't steal my shit.
Last sport you played- soccer probably. we were PLANNING on having a badmitten marathon but my backyard is currently resembling a swamp, so we canceled that out.
Things you spend a lot of money on- anything music related.
Three last things you ate- haha oh wow. cake, a reeses and a pear
What you notice first about the opposite sex- eyes, smile, how tall they are, what they're wearing at the time, blahblahblah.
Two favorite songs- Play Crack the Sky- Brand New & anything by Elvis Costello or The Boss.
Where do you live currently- in a house in Monroe, Jayooizee.
Highschool you attend- MTHS
Do you like it- Nah, not really.
Favorite Mall Store- Barnes & Noble, FYE
Longest Job Held- probably about a year on & off.
Do you prank call people- sometimes. depends on wether or not i like you.
Last Wedding Attended- Karen's Uncle Robert's. BUT THE NEXT ONE IS IN ABOUT A WEEK & IT'LL BE IN IRELAND (aka THE BIG I)
First friend you'd call when you won the lottery- Karen Dieso.
Last time you attened church- Oh wow. September?
Biggest lie you've ever heard- "i didn't mean to hurt you" was one of my favorites, but in the creativity category Michael Raggi probably wins this award. =)
Where do you work- 6 blocks down from my house.
Where do you want to go to college- NYU (haha), PENN, somewhere not too far.
Can you cook- pssh. i'm an AMAZING chef. Ask Meaghan.
What kind of car do you drive- a sleek invisable one.
Are you religious- yes.
Best kisser- -blush blush- through process of elimination, Evan.
Last time you cried- dude, like two days ago.
Favorite color- Mm. Purple.
Food you hate the most- Spaghettios.
The thing you like the most about yourself- hmm. i honestly can't anwser this question without being a cocky asshole? i like that i'm not like most girls, at all, & i can make cool kids laugh? yeah sounds good.
The thing you dislike about yourself- i don't like that i'm a procrastinator. at all.
Have a secret you can't tell- yepp.
Favorite Movie- as of right now, probably Garden State.
Can you sing- yes.
Last Concert attended- This Day & Age, Mae, Lovedrug, etc.
Favorite Restaurant- Ruby Tuesdays, but only in Jersey.
Last Movie Rented- A lot like Love (SUCKEDSUCKEDSUCKED)
Favorite Alcoholic Drink- Toughie. Mudslide.
Thing you never leave home without- Pants... well actually...
Favorite Vacation Spot- I like Belmar, it's close.
People who mean the most to you right now- Karen, Melissa, Chrissy, Mike, Brian, Brigid, Tristan, Bee, Dani, Britt, Veronica, Cherly, Carmen, etc, etc.
People you'd like to be closer with- Meaghan, Harrison, Kevin, Lauren, Katherine, STEFANIA, & everyone from school, i.e.- Gina, Bre'Anna, Marisa, Angela, Kristen, yada yada yada.
Last person you talked to on the phone- Melissa.
Do you know someone who thinks you're cute- yeah. the entire population of the human race? pssh. ;)
Have a current crush- duh.
Last TV show you watched- boy meets world because i'm unbelievably hardcore.
Reason you did this quiz- Because I'm an attention whore. hahahaha no, I just have no life.
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