Jul 06, 2006 18:33
ask me five things, and ill give you five answer's!
Jul 05, 2006 11:02
so yesterday me and chuck went to mcc in venice to skate some ledges with charlie. and as soon as we get there i break my ankle, and power drive my knee into the ground. my knee is fucked up real bad, and my ankle is a kankle now. but i cant go to the hosiptal cause i have no insurance. sweet!
Jun 27, 2006 11:19
i got more rides than all of central florida's theme parks rapped up in to a 1.5
Jun 26, 2006 22:17
mend mend mend mend mend......broken
Jun 26, 2006 10:26
smoking weed............
Jun 22, 2006 10:38
i accept him in to my heart
Jun 20, 2006 16:33
the two bodys recovered in iraq showed signs of torture. this war is becoming a spiting image of veitnam. will the soliders that return from iraq be treated the same as the U.S. forces that returned from vietnam?
Jun 18, 2006 17:30
holy shit, back up vocals sound so good