(no subject)

Mar 18, 2008 00:41

I kind of wish that I wrote in here more often. It really does help me to organize my thoughts-no matter how coherent my entries seem. Where to begin, where to beginnnnnnn....

Friday I had my "Origins: Global Societies to the Year 1500" midterm. I studied my ass off the night before, and I think I may have even fallen into the category of "over-studying," which is a rare occurence for me. I never even had to study before college. Speaking of college, there have been two recent events which have made me feel like I might still be at Basswood Elementary. Firstly, I got a C+ on an English critical analysis paper. This is a pretty good grade, considering I only wrote about 2.5 pages of the required 4. I put about 45% effort into it to get a 78% grade....wtf. My teacher approached me after class a few weeks ago and told me that I could contact her if I wanted to improve my grade. I went into our optional class period on Friday to talk to her about it. We went over a few ways I could make the paper better, and she allowed me to set up a new due date. The paper is worth 200 points, so I'm super grateful. Also, in my "Intro to Scandinavia" class, I missed two blogs for my weekly reflection two weeks ago. It was gay because I didn't even do anything the night I was supposed to write the blogs. I pretty much sat at home...and just completely fucking forgot. The TA emailed me a few days later and mentioned that I could just type up the blogs and post them and I would still receive credit. So, as far as I know, I typed two blogs about 6 days later than expected and still received credit. And I am a student at a school which is aiming to be one of the top 3 research institutions in the nation.....

Speaking of school, in my "Career and Majors Explorations" class on Thursday, we spent the duration of the 1 hr 50 min class period sitting on the floor. One by one, we stood up, and the class shared what energy that the person standing was giving off. While my classmates received remarks such as "wise," "you seem like you have many layers," "inner confidence," "you'll rise to meet any challenge," I got the following comments:




"I can tell you like to laugh!"

"You like to have fun!"

..................cool life.

Enough about school though. Friday night I hung out with Alex and Eleza for a little bit. I walked over to Alex's and loved every second of the weather. There's nothing like those first sunny spring days. After they had to part ways, I went over to Karen's sorority. Turns out she was some fraternity's sweetheart. We went over to the frat and enjoyed some concoction of alcohol made by some drunk frat guy. It was my first time being in a fraternity on a weekend night, and I must say I was impressed at how legit they were. It kind of sucked though because I felt uncomf drinking there. I hadn't been able to talk to Max much for the past 36 or so hours, and I was waiting for him to shoot me a call once he was able to charge his phone; then he was going to come hang out with me. So I didn't want to have him call me for the first time in a long while and have his gf sloshed at some frat. Ughhhhhh I hate always feeling obligated to be a good girlfriendddddd. But I don't really. Because I love Max.

Saturday Max and I went to the Nickelodeon Universe grand opening deal at MOA. It ended up not really being much fun at all and just tired us out :( Bummerrr. Afterward, Max had his show at the Garage. They played so well; I was so proud!!! Afterward we were too tired to go party with everyone else, so we just went home to pass out. It feels so good to finally be to the point where we prefer being alone and doing nothing instead of going out and partying or being around a million people all the time.

Get Young has a showcase show for Fearless Records next Sunday. They have to leave Wednesday to get out to Anaheim to play at the Chain Reaction (!!!!) in time. They'll be gone for an entire week :( It sucks that I am bummed out about Max leaving, but he's too stoked on the band to remember to pretend to miss me, haha. Oh well, I may as well get used to this feeling. They are going to be touring all summer afterall. Don't get me wrong, I am extremelyyyyyy excited for the band. They are fucking awesome. Not like I'm biased or anything ;) The bands they're going to play with out in CA aren't quite as awesome, but I think they'll really be able to impress the crowd and the Fearless people!!

Well, I'm off to the Mad Rad Hair photobuckets to get some ideas to chop my hair off!!!!!! Yay. This was long.

<3, jackieeee
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