what’s your name: Jessica
how old are you: 17
where do you live: Wilmington, DE
do you like girls, guys, or both: males
do you have any pets: 2 cats, Calliope [cah-lie-oh-pee] and Isabella, and a standard poodle, Andrew.
do you have any pictures of your pets: Not on my computer, no.
do you have a best friend: Yes. Steve.
do you have any pictures of your best friend: Yes, he's being stupid, but
heredo drink / do drugs: I really would prefer people to not vote yes or no on said recreational activities, so I don't want to anwser this question.
do you have a job [where]: Yes, I am a pharmacy technician at Happy Harry's (like CVS or Wallgreens)
do you have any tattoos or piercing: I have a few piercings. three in my ears. Two in the normal holes...and the other in my tragis.
3 things you like: Gingersnaps, my boyfriend, baklava
3 things you don’t like: gossip, pasta, eggs
3 movies you like: SIN CITY (go, see it now.), Now and Then, The Pianist
3 bands you like: Bjork (well, she is a singer), Mirah (another singer), and The Beatles. (The last three artists that came on my itunes)
3 books you like: Life After God by Douglas Coupland, The Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft, and Love and Desire photography
3 places you have been: La Basilica de Saint Anne, A Sugar Shack in Montreal, The Kimmel Center in Philadelphia to have the pleasure of watching the Orpheus Club preform at Christmastime.
what is your favorite color: washed yellow
what is your favorite season: summer/fall
what is your favorite day of the week: Friday
what is your favorite TV show: I don't watch TV
what is your dads name: Harry Matthew
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post atleast 4 pictures of yourself: