Sexual Preference: BOYzz
BANDS(TOP 7):Saosin, Panic! At the Disco, Brand New, Chiodos, Alexisonfire, The Audition, Senses Fail, Hollywood undead ( I changed it to 8) : )
MOVIES(5):Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Grind, Romeo and Juliet, SLC Punk
BOOKS(3): The Wind Blows Backwards, all harry potter books, Summer boys
COLORS(2):Green, teal.
How would you describe yourself? (3 or more sentences):I am a pretty crazy person and I don't care what people think about me. Im confident, with a little hint of self-consciousness. And I LOVEEEEE Music and local shows, its pretty much my life.
What do you think;
What do you think about plastic surgery?: If you have the money, and you feel that low about yourself then whatever. God made you the way you are for a reason.
What do you think about drugs?: I think its wrong to do, Ive tried a couple a couple years ago, and I regret it, I never stuck with it, and i only did a tiny bit, but I am ashamed of saying that I have tried them. They are made illegal for a reason.
What do you think about anorexia?:EATING IS MY LIFE PEOPLE ARE NUTS
Do you think you are pretty? Explain.: Soimetimes I think I look good, like almost everyother normal person. But at time I feel like I look so bad I never keep my head up. It all depends on the day, and effort.
If you were a superhero, what would you want your name to be?LL Patches cause my boy made it up
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1!! 2!! Give us 3 pictures of yourself & one of someone you think is hot:
srry they are so big
oh & tha hottie:
Danny effing Walker(on the right)