Photos// 130 points

Mar 18, 2006 12:29

So yeah I have been a busy kid! I got my hair cut, went to the Pipebomb show and did some drawings! All I wish to show you now... because I cant keep my joy away from anyone!

First the Pipebomb Show

Marco's head almost got in the way of my Brian... Brain is the lead singer of Pipebomb! They kicked ass!

Dan, who also plays with Social Insecurity, now plays guitar for Pipebomb!

Brian, JD(( guitar), and Chris Kay on the drum in the back!

JD and Chris again... PIPEBOMB ROX MY SOX

My Brian again... how hott he is with his Hawk!

Marco took this one... It Jason Tina and me... but you cant really see me because Tina is in the way... brat

Now for my drawings

This is Brian and I... my cammera sucks and I dont have a scanner so sorry if you cant see all the shading and for the poor drawing itself

And this is for brain... I miss the guy I need to get him back!

Now... for my new hari cut! I hope you guys can see it... its a reall Mohawk... none of this fohawk crap! but I dont have it up because I am out of gel and spray... so yeah... how you like it was was kind of being a spaz this morning!

Aww I love you Brain... that one is for cute no?
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