so today jack didnt go to school so i picked her up and went to eat then read at my moms office then i took her to work and went back to read then had tutoring.
picked her up and went to a meeting saw tony and the 3 of us went to starbucks then took her home.very relaxing day?
yesterday was fun went to the park then to tiagos to watch band practice. then went to south miami with jack and tony and then to a meeting with jack. saw raul there and we went to starbucks where i saw fred.
then took jackie home it was alot of fun hanging out at her house, lots of laughing.
wow. ok so i wake up yesterday morning to find that two of my dogs were having sex and some how the guy got his dick stuck in the girl and it wouldnt come out.hahah
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so friday went to the ghettoest strip club ever. some guy got punched in the face and then got a bottle smashed in his face and some ghetto girl tried to fight a ghetto guy it was just crazy. and there was old fat stripers
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