I feel so fucking hopeless.
I guess I really shouldn't complain, but it seems like everything should be a bit more satisfying than this. Sometimes I wake up and question what I am gaining by steppign out of bed, but by the time I get to the shower, I realize it's just not an option to stay in bed.
I don't do well in school. I never have.
It's my fault though. I just don't care enough about grades, either that or I think everyone else cares too much. It shouldn't be about that, although until I get out of highschool it will be, but then I'll miss it. Not the school, but the people that came with it.
I plan on going to an art school afterwords I guess. So why in the hell will a history class do me? Or german? Why does most of your future depend on the years that you aren't responsible for your own actions? To me, spending time with my friends just seems more important than acing a test on a subject that wont help me in my career.
I don't even feel like drawing pictures in MS paint, damn.
So... how about that semi?