Whit-lee is ghetto , but
she is not a diva. && she is in love
again. We fight all the time, gee wizz.
But then we' ll watch "Miami Ink" or
"Inked". She likes too many boys, && i' m
afraid for her to get hurt, because they
all want her♥ Baking cookies &&
muffins are wayy to fun [throwing them
in the trash, is more fun], borrowing 1/4
cup milk from my weird neighbors is just
plain scary.
But yeahh , we wasted alot of time
today getting ready && what not. Does
anyone know Cameron Frisbee' s dad' s name?
hahah you should hangout with us
one time. We' re just random && have
really long talks about the weirdest
things . it' s great♥
Oh , yeah. WeI don' t
like writing letters, so deal.