Just wanted to welcome my Morgy-Poo (
To all the randomness that is Lowe!
If you want to add her, You can, Shes really cool and She doesnt Really say no to new friends. She rocks! lol
(Shauna *shifty* lol)
Anyways, I think its time for a real update. We'll start with Monday.
Boring day, Didnt want to take up, It was Catholic
Schools week so we didn do alot. We had to set up for this thing called
Dinner theater
BOR-ING! Stupid Principal made me stand next to him the entire time
because I was apparently not "putting the forks in the correct
places" Is there actualyl a right place for forks? Hmmmm, Then I was
called down to the office and all the stupid losers in 6th grade were
like "Ooooohhhhhh! You trouble maker!!!" Ya, Thats now what it was for,
it was because of Volleyball Tryouts coming up and The coach wanted
to know if I was trying out this year.
Same thing in the morning, We had to set up again. This
time I just ran in, Stole some Rubber gloves, and then they wouldnt let
me do
anything because I "wasnt able to" because of last time. Pfft, Anyways,
Then we had a Class officers meating, More boringness. I didnt
get to do anything there either because It was all the Class President and Vice pres.
Kind of cool day. I got dissmissed early because It was Dinner Theatre day and I cant eat the food there
because its yucky and makes me sick. (for 2 years I thought what they served was chicken, Turned out it
was Meatloaf =0 ) Then I went out to eat with my Mom, Its fun actually. I get to talk to her and she can be really
cool sometimes. But guess who else was Skipping school! MY EVIL MATH TEACHER! I tried to do that thing
everyone on TV movies do, Like hide behind the menu. It didnt work because the waiter came and took it away
Meany! So yeah, She saw me and she was like "So, How come your not in school" I didnt answer at first and then I said
"Umm, Im sick." And I kind of ran away into the bathroom to pretend I acually was. Haha, She was still there
when I came out though. Then I had no homework, So I sat and watched TV all night untill LOST came on, Even
though it was a repeat, It still rocked!
The day of nothingness. Nothing happened at all. No
Tests, No quizzes, No Nothing. See how boring this day Was. Oh, Yeah
one thing
did happen. I forgot my binder at home! Did get in troble for that.
Fun day! We had a Volleyball game (for last years team
against the 6th graders) We won, But boy was it interesting! Final
score was 14-13
I was the server. Some little 6th grade fag got really mad that we
we're going to win and there was 3 seconds left in the game so
he chucked the ball at me and we lost those 3 secons. Pfft, Loser.
*still hates him* and thats really all that happened that day. it was
and Now im writing this! I was supposed to go to the mall today, but I didnt want to because Im broke. Oh Well.
<3 Lauren