brandon, nick & matt
heidi with her moose track icecream, driving
matt & bradleyy (biology class)
ahh corey, i love this kid. (biology class)
paige & tiffany (bio again.)
ben, corey,amber (yes biology again)
lindsay & brandon (bio yet againnn)
dom & benji (bio again)
mikeyyy, yeah i pwn him at rock,paper,scissors (adv english 9)
adam & tyloooor
tylor & i (adv english 9 again)
excuse me looking like trash, plz.
nickkerrrz :] (englishhh)
berii ! (englishh)
kp, lindsay, & laurenn (english again)
ernie, nick, adam, tylor :D (english againn)
michelle :D (ceramics)
taylor kay beckkk (ceramics)
dude, welcome to michelle's palace ! (ceramics)
ahh cermaics class, & joe powers. :D (cermaics obviously)
well at mcdonalds today...
Heidi: ahh my flip flop came..
+ heidi had a flat tire so yeah.
i had fun, alot of fun