hey kids. today was quite the adventure, i must say. there no success for myself though. except my lip was twitching & i couldn't control it. but... besides that... *shakes head disapprovingly*. i don't want to move on to hard drugs though. haha.
get a 4.0; i've never, ever had all A's before. i have never applied myself in school, really. this last year i didn't study for one test & i did my homework literally two times. i tend to float through things a lot.
become more social; eh. i didn't really make any new friends this year, except meg. people probably think i'm stuck up or something because i never talk to anyone. either that or they think i have no personality. i have a really have a hard time talking to someone unless they're really talkative themselves. yeah, so i'd like to make a few new friends this year. mostly upper class men. because i'm friends with just about everyone i'd like to be in '07 & '08.
have a good picture in the yearbook; hey, as long as it isn't like this years. ahaha. i think i'm just going to make a stupid face because it'll probably look horrible anyhow.
that's all for today.