name: jacy
age: 16
location: iowa, us
birthday: may 31, 1989
gender: feeeeemale.
top five
bands: beck, red hot chili peppers, queen, cake, everclear
movies: saved!, what dreams may come, peter pan, sweet november, the notebook
people: my boyfriend paul, my mom, my dad, my band teacher mr. keese and my best friend abby
places: LONDON (yep, been there), my bed, paul’s house, tropical snow stand, the shower
books: stargirl by jerry spinelli, me talk pretty one day by dave sedaris, lovely bones by alice sebold, peter pan by j.m. barrie, the giver by lois lowry.
your view on...
politics: I don’t really keep up on american politics, which I should, but I really don’t have much of an opinion. I know everyone has an opinion, not just me, and everyone should choose what they think is right. I think george w. is making some mistakes by keeping soldiers in the middle east but that is my personal opinion and I am just a 16-year old iowa girl who doesn’t know all the facts. I think that most of our political system is based on how much money campaigns have and that there are better options out there for president but they can’t necessarily run because they don’t have enough funds. But you want to know MY view, so I think that america should just stay out of the world’s business. They stay out of ours for the most part, and I think we should just let people live their lives and run their government as they see fit. We started america to have a place to live with our beliefs, and they have theirs for their beliefs. If they want to live under our kind of government, let them come here; we shouldn’t change theirs.
abortion: like most people, I believe rape is the only circumstance under which an abortion is okay. Its still not the right thing to do, to kill a fetus, but the woman shouldn’t be forced to carry the baby of an impostor to their body. If you want an abortion just because you got pregnant and weren’t ready for the consequences, you should feel guilty that you killed a fetus because you made the wrong decision. In all cases it should be ALLOWED, because people have different opinions, but I think its right only in the case of rape.
pre-martial sex: if you’re ready to take care of a baby or do all you can to prevent one, go ahead. There are a lot of consequences that come with having sex, not just having a baby, and you need to be prepared to deal with those too. Its your own choice on whether or not you have sex or whether or not it’s the right thing to do. In my situation, having sex is NOT the right thing to do because I know I’m not going to marry my boyfriend and as a junior in high school, a baby is not my desired accessory. =)
higher education: I think there should be public colleges where anyone who wants to go to college should be able to go for a smalllllllll tuition. There are so many people out there who want to go to college but can’t because they don’t have enough money. People get stuck in ruts because they can’t afford to go to college and better their lives. There would be such a higher living standard if everyone had the choice to go to college. If you don’t want to go to college, don’t, but realize there are people who would give anything to have that choice.
what are you passionate about?: my boyfriend, doing well in sports and school, being a good friend and being nonjudgmental
If you could be reincarnated as anything, what would it be?: a penguin. They have one life partner and stay with them forever and have cuuuuuute baby penguins. <3
What are your guilty pleasures?: haha; picking my nose and watching ‘animal planet’
what is your most embarrassing moment?: I was at my friend alex’s house last week with paul, and we were all playing basketball.. I shot a free throw and fell. =)
When is the last time you've laughed so hard you've hurt?: my mom tells me funny stories every day when she gets home from work. she's a joker and its funny to hear all the crap she does. last thursday she came home and told me how she chased the 300 pound secretary around the office. hehehe.
three pictures +