Check It Out.. Im Rockin Steady..

Oct 20, 2004 16:57

-:- Basics -:-

Name :: Sydney
Nicknames [if you have any] :: My most recent one is 'aussie'. A few kids thought it was really clever of them to call me Aussie, seeing as that is a nickname for people from Australia (I didnt know that before), and my name is Sydney. So, Sydney, Australia. Yeah that ones kinda dumb. And my family calls me Pippy, because when I was little I looked like some character named Pippy Longstocking?
Birthday [include year] :: Feb 20 1989 (in exactly 4 months!)
Age :: 15
Location :: Bend Oregon
Do you play any instruments? ::String bass (upright), Played 6 string acoustic guitar for 2 years (not anymore), and most recently Ive started playing the bass guitar (4 string) and its really sweet.
Favorite color? ::Maroon
Anything else you would like to add? :: I love how Papa Murphy's pizza and Pizza Hut have those pizzas where it's like 4-in-1 and you get 4 little pizzas in a big pizza box, I think that's really cool and smart! And I think the guy on the far right in the background pic for this community is hella hot. :)

-:- Opinions -:-
[a simple yes or no will NOT do]

2004 Election :: Excuse my unpopular beliefs. Well, unfortunately, I cannot vote until the next election. But, I still have my opinions. I'm rather partial to George Bush. Seeing as both my parents are Conservative Republicans, and I've grown up around that influence my entire life, I feel a sort of tie to that party. Now, I'm not saying that I don't have my own opinions. My parents and I differ on many political subjects, thankfully this is one we agree on. I think it would be a henious mistake to replace Bush in the middle of this war we are in. To switch presidents in the middle of a war is not a smart move, I don't think. We need to stick with the one who started it, so he can finish it. He knows what's going on over there, better than John Kerry I'd imagine, and he knows what they are planning for the future. Although he has made some mistakes during his term, and done some things I disagree with, I believe Bush is the better candidate. He is said to be strong leader, and has so far proved himself as just that, and I think he will keep leading the country to his best ability if re elected. And really quickly, I strongly disagree with Kerry's view on stem-cell research. I don't want to write another essay about it, because you guys probably don't wanna read that! But I share Bush's views on the stem-cell research, and believe that taking one's life to save another's is just not right. Okay, done!
Hot Topic :: I've only been in a Hot Topic once. I really didn't like it. We just got a store in Bend, and the people that work there are really rude (in Bend, I'm not saying in every one)! And I don't think it'd hurt them to turn the lights up a little bit. Or maybe it would, because possibly then people would be able to see the henious merchandise earlier, and get out of there quick.
Gay Marriage :: Oh man, I seriously could write so much about this, but I won't, so I don't bore you guys. I wish I could vote right now, because in Oregon there is a Measure (36) that is concerning gay marriage. Voting YES means voting for 1 man, 1 woman, and voting NO means exactly the opposite. If I could vote, I'd vote Yes. Of course I believe that gay people should have rights. But if amending (and adding to) the Constitution is what we have to do, then I say no. No way. Because a homosexual couple can just as easily get the same rights as a married heterosexual couple (in OR at least)! They can share a health plan without being married, and they can do many of the same things a married couple can do. I'm also a pretty strong Christian, so when it comes to that topic, and the Bible's take on it, I'd much rahter stick with my faith than popular belief.
Emo :: What to say about emo?

Adopt your own Old Skool Adoptable! Hahaha so hilarious! I have some little emo freinds, and I must say, they are the funniest people ever. One of them will get a C on a test and tell me life isn't worth living or some bull crap. It's really funny. Yay for emo kids!
Punk :: I suppose that's the cool thing to do now. Oi Oi Oi! As my little friend Kendra would say. We like to make fun of the punk kids together. So, yeah, I guess they are cool? Because they deal drugs in the halls? That's cool?
Goth ::This one chick in my science class last year would cut number into her arm and tell me they were her concentration camp numbers, so I'd try to ignore her because blood scares me. Then she'd say, you know why I was there? Of course I woudnt answer but some other idiot would and she'd be like "CAUSE IM GOTH!" So that gave me a bad impression of those kids. Bleuhe!
Prep :: Um, they are okay. You know, I dont classify kids so Im kind of lost of this. Is PREP referring to... Cheerleaders? Prissy Kids? Abercrombie & Fitch/Hollister Kids? Stuck Up Kids? I don't really like em so much. But I do have a friend named Amanda that has a totally retarded brain and tells people 'It's okay, I'm blonde!' but she's really cool because she listens to UnderOATH. Uh, yeah. Is that a good answer? Is that even an answer?

-:- Music -:-

Name your top 10 bands ::
-Mourning September
-Kids In The Way
-Number One Gun
-No Doubt (Cause Gwen is totally radical)
-Rolling Stones
-The Cars
-Jimi Hendrix (Oops not a band.. sorry!!)
-The Doors
-The Eagles

Name your top 4 songs, and include the band that sings it ::
-Just What I Needed--Cars
-Glorietta/Closer To Closure--Mourning September
-Get Up--Number One Gun
-Get Up Stand Up--Bob Marley (Again, not a band! Oh well!)

What is your favorite concert you've been to? :: Number One Gun//Kids In The Way//Relient K//Audio Adrenaline show in Redmond. It was SO awesome. It was pretty small, like probably under 300 people. Or, actually, I'm a bad guesser. It was probably like under 100. But whatever. Anyway it was really rad because I actually had some cool friends there who LIKED to mosh, so we got really sweaty and I kinda got bruised but it was okay. It wasn't too intense. And it was really fun. I don't know why. Probably because of the hot sweaty boy standing by me for like half an hour. (Totally joking).

If you could go on a date with anyone in the world who would it be and why? :: I'm not gonna say some "super star" that I dont know, I think that's just dumb. Probably just some guy, maybe one of my friends, that I like to be around, and want to spend more time with? I'm a pretty easygoing person when it comes to dating and stuff. Yeah, I like hot guys. But I do have my limits, not like some girls who fall madly in love with like Brad Pitt and then stab themselves cause he doesn't answer their letters. Yeah, that might be a little over the top. Just proving my point.

Promote us in 2 communites and post the links ::

AT LEAST 3 good pictures of your face ::

^^Left of course. Thats my mommy. My mommy is so cool.

^^For clarification NO. I do NOT wear this ugly gross looking makeup. My friend and I were bored so we found some henious 80's makeup of my moms, and it was really fun. We dressed up too, but this was before that. So yeah, just letting y'all know.¤t=P9140078.jpg
^^Me pondering the last line of a No Doubt song called New. (I know I'm TOO cool).

^^My tongue is sticking out and Im not quite sure why! (actually I am, but its a long story)..

^^My hand!

^^Awww my bass! Cute, hah?

^^Closest "body shot" I know it sucks. Ehh sorry.

^^Thats not me.. of course. Thats my little brother. And he freakin rocks the house so dont make fun. :)

Okay Im done! Thanks guys!
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