(no subject)

Oct 22, 2004 21:19

-:- Basics -:-

Name :: Laura
Nicknames [if you have any] :: Strizz.. the stories way too long to explain, but it's a good one.
Birthday [include year] :: July 27, 1988
Age :: 16

Location :: Shelton, Connecticut

Do you play any instruments? :: I know how to play the piano, but I don't usually. I'm more of a singer
Favorite color? :: Greeeennn

Anything else you would like to add? :: Um. No, not really. But if I should then I guess I can. I need to get my wisdom tooths pulled!!!! I need to see and " oral surgeon" and they're gonna cut open my gums and pull out my teeth and I won't be able to eat for like a day. :0(. I just thought that was an important piece of info you should know. That and I can't live without gum and chapstick.

-:- Opinions -:-
[a simple yes or no will NOT do]

2004 Election :: Sooo many people I know registered to vote this year that never voted before before it's that important. Yeah, I'm for Kerry. Geroge Bush and his gay marriage/ lets-keep-soldiers-in-iraq-for-no-reason-and-have-them-be-captured-and-decapitated-on-video/ i've sentenced retarded people to death for crimes while I like to preach about how bad abortion is because it's killing a not fully formed human/ let's kill the economy and pretend that nothing's going wrong ordeals are horse crap. And has anyone else watched the presidential election and noticed how stupid he is?!?!? He's a freakin idiot. Although I think Kerry has some low points, how much more damage could he do?
Hot Topic :: I LOVE their earrings.I'm not very into their clothes cause well, I don't really have that look if you will, but I like the band shirts/hoodies. I realized the other day their bags say something like " it's all about the music" or something like that, but the one in my mall sells like 3 cds. Kookie, right?

Gay Marriage :: No offense, but these community things REALLY need to get some new questions. It's the same things over and over again. But here I go; I'm for gay marriage. People are people, love is love, case closed. Other people shouldn't be allowed to stand in the way of others happiness.

Emo :: I love emo/hardcore cause the music is really powerful. Unless it's from one of those stupid bands that try and be emo cause it sells. But if you're talking about the label... I'm gonna make this short and simple.
Emo/ Punk/Goth/ Prep/ Goth/ Nerd/ Jock/Stoner/ BLAH FREAKIN BLAH BLAH BLAH;
THE BIGGEST THING I HATE ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL. People and their freakin labels, judgements, and their need to always have a certain clique because it's just what goes on when you're IGNORANT and IMMATURE. I'm an by far, nowhere close to mature, but my life does not revolve around classfying people based on how they dress. If you're fun, loyal and a decent person, then you're freakin awesome. I don't care what people call you, I will be your best friend. People miss out on getting to know a lot of really awesome kids because they dress different, which is plain STUPID.
-:- Music -:-

Name your top 10 bands ::
- Meatloaf. that's freakin right. I said meatloaf. :0)
-Matchbook Romance
-KENNY CHESNEY although not a band.. I just love country music, because I'm cool.
-The Bled
-Hot Rod Circuit
- Saosin
- Emery
- Say anything
Name your top 4 songs, and include the band that sings it ::
- "Hollywood and Vine" - Matchbook Romance
- " Soco Ammereto Lime" - Brand new
-" Reinventing You Exit" - Underoath
-" Worked up So Sexual" - The Faint
- " Hold on Tightly, Let Go Lightly" - Boys Night Out

What is your favorite concert you've been to? :: Matchbook Romance/ Mest/ Fallout Boy/ Punchline... Fall Out Boy is abosolutely ORGASMIC live

If you could go on a date with anyone in the world who would it be and why? :: my boyfriend, maybe? because I'm in love with him and he's made me the happiest girl alive in the past year that we've been together. yes, adorable, I know.

Promote us in 2 communites and post the links ::
-welllll yeah, the thing is I'm only in two and I can't promote in one, and the other was the one that I found out about this from. So yeah, that'd be wierd. It's kinda strange that you'd make me promote in other coomunities and it says on the rules for this one that people can't promote in this one. Tisk tisk. That's not very fair.

AT LEAST 3 good pictures of your face ::

sorry, that's big...

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