Adjective 1. Having no particular interest or concern; apathetic: indifferent to the sufferings of others. 2. Having no marked feeling for or against: She remained indifferent toward their proposal. 3. Not mattering one way or the other: It's indifferent to me which outfit you choose. 4. Characterized by a lack of partiality; unbiased: an indifferent judge. 5. Being neither too much nor too little; moderate. 6. Being neither good nor bad; mediocre: an indifferent performance. See Synonyms at average. 7. Being neither right nor wrong. 8. Not active or involved; neutral: an indifferent chemical in a reaction. 9. Biology Undifferentiated, as cells or tissue. Etymology Middle English, from Old French, from Latin indiffer*ns, indifferent- : in-, not ; see in-1 + differ*ns, different ; see different. Other forms in·dif'fer·ent·ly adv.
...In other words, you really don't give a fuck, shit, rat's ass, flying fuck/flying shit/flying rat's ass. It's all the whatevs, its all not worth it. Whatever it is.
Comments 4
I'd tell you...if i knew.
look it up lazy ass (:
1. Having no particular interest or concern; apathetic: indifferent to the sufferings of others. 2. Having no marked feeling for or against: She remained indifferent toward their proposal. 3. Not mattering one way or the other: It's indifferent to me which outfit you choose. 4. Characterized by a lack of partiality; unbiased: an indifferent judge. 5. Being neither too much nor too little; moderate. 6. Being neither good nor bad; mediocre: an indifferent performance. See Synonyms at average. 7. Being neither right nor wrong. 8. Not active or involved; neutral: an indifferent chemical in a reaction. 9. Biology Undifferentiated, as cells or tissue.
Middle English, from Old French, from Latin indiffer*ns, indifferent- : in-, not ; see in-1 + differ*ns, different ; see different.
Other forms
in·dif'fer·ent·ly adv.
...In other words, you really don't give a fuck, shit, rat's ass, flying fuck/flying shit/flying rat's ass. It's all the whatevs, its all not worth it. Whatever it is.
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