(no subject)

Jul 31, 2005 18:06

how .. interesting. haah XD



my goodness sundays are boorrrinng.
k sooo i'm gonna get gothika! even though i've seen it.
so my dad came back from the tennis match.. and he said that he was like.. 5 feet away from andy roddick. BUT DID HE THINK TO BRING MY CAMERA?! NOOOO 'COURSE NOT!
that made me a little mad.
and i've been reading fanfic. XD
and now i need lunch.. whoa it's after 6....

samarie x: k let's see..
samarie x: pick a number 1 to..
x sell yourHEART: 1 too what..?
samarie x: 44
samarie x: haha
samarie x: =D
x sell yourHEART: 64!
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