Matt wearing my crazy awesome hat.
Cody and Aaron requested I take this picture of them...? Egg-drop project. I did mine five minutes the morning of; and it didn't break. Who kicks ass?
B lunch. I was trying to get a shot of all the guys while they dog piled each other on the table for no apparent reason, but they dispersed before I got the shot. It was kinda stupid. =3
This is Joe. Joe is trying to hide from my camera. This fills me with spite and I get a shot of him.
Then Kate and Kristin wanna join in the fun.
The Steph/Ein/Sneffee
Steph and I like to dance like so much white girl on the fountain when it's not running during lunch. when it is, we dance in the middle of the courtyard to 'beepbopbeedoop's forming the theme song for Mario.
bleh. Yay turkey. Yay carnivores.