(Lj cut is from Built to Spill's song "Fly Around my Pretty Little Miss")
The Basics
Name: Meghan
Age: 16
Location: Massachusetts
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Bands: Weezer, The Shins, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Built to Spill, Streetlight Manifesto
Movies: Mystic River, Lord of the Rings, Little Women, Casablanca, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Sleepy Hollow, A Beautiful Mind, Last of the Mohicans, Aladdin
Books: The Catcher in the Rye, His Dark Materials Trilogy, various poetry books, Ender's Game, The Secret Garden
TV Shows: Without a Trace, CSI's, anything on the travel channel
Song at the Moment: 100,000 Fireflies by the Magnetic Fields ("I also have a dobro, Made in some mountain range, Sounds like a mountain range in love..")
Guilty Pleasures: I don't really feel guilty about things I take pleasure in, but watching Legends of the Hidden Temple on Nickelodeon GAS and cherry baby bottle pops. They're murder on your teeth.
Random Likes: Ceasar salad, loud music in the car, eccentric fonts, boutique shopping, Sunday afternoon joyrides.
Random Dislikes: People who emit a bad odor and are quite aware of it, but do nothing about it and go so far as to find it amusing, (I happen to encounter someone like this a lot) and when people tell me my tags are sticking out. I don't really care if they are.
What do you think of the mods? From my snooping around, it seems like they're two funky gals with a lot on their minds. Not quite unlike myself.
What do you think about MTV? I don't really have that much of a problem with it because I don't watch that much tv. It would be better if they actually played more music videos, though.
What do you think about internet dating? I don't understand it. I know someone who has had an internet relationship with someone for about 2 years now, and it's an emotional rollercoaster, just like a real relationship. I just am not too keen on the whole not seeing you in person deal.
Getting to Know You
Tell us something interesting about yourself: I had open heart surgery when I was 4. There was a hole in the tissue chamber lining, so they had to fix it. I drew a picture because it makes more sense seeing it.
Make us Laugh:
Describe your best friend/boyfriend or girlfriend: I'm single, and I'm not really into designating best friends because it can kind of put awkward pressure and obligations on people. But a very cool friend of mine named Jenna is a lime-green wearing phenom with an amazing speaking voice that could easily land her a job at any radio station. She's wise beyond her years and keeps me from going nuts.
Promote in your journal and give us a link. We know it's annoying but since this is a new community we could use all the help we can get to get more new members:
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=_rubixcube_ Pictures
Post 4+ pictures. The more the better. Atleast 3 must be clear and please limit photoshopped pictures. We want to see the real you.
My nice picture.
Silly, silly girl.
I was obsessed with the "West Syde" for a while.
Me, in the black.