
Mar 23, 2005 13:28


I finished my English Portfolio (and anybody not From KY jump for joy that you don't have to do one!) i was told that i would get at least a Proficient! PRAY THAT I GET A DISTINGUISHED! (i can skip 2 finals if i get a P but if i get a D i can skip 3!)


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Comments 2

cayce March 24 2005, 04:45:44 UTC
you are such a loser, at my school they stopped from letting anyone skipping finals, we have to take them no matter what our grade is. and i have only one piece of my portfolio finished, and its due next thursday!


chrchgrl March 25 2005, 03:51:37 UTC
this is the first year that we've been able to skip any finals! which rocks! cause that means that we can just slack off! *grin* which is funny cause we don't need a certain grade in our classes to skip that final! *grin*
I only had 1 maybe 2 peices finished Friday (Tuesday was my due date!) and i ended up in her class tuesday afternoon, asking for help on reviseing! finally an hour later (and 5 full and final peices later) i was FINISHED!


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