9__9 *smacks the guidance counsellor* What.E.Ver. Some adults tend to forget that they're not our parents. What an icky woman. Can you or your parents complain loudly enough to get the counsellor (and the school) off your back?
College major was Bioengineering, but I'm changing it to Architecture or Theatre XD
I think that as long as you don't lose your scholarship or the official status of having graduated from high school, you should be allowed to do whatever you want with regards to your graduation.
Anyhoo, since you asked, my major is filmmaking. I go here.
hey congrats on your scholarship, that's cool. sorry your guidance counselor is being the typical non-helpful type though. I wish we would've been allowed to sign ourselves out in the morning, lol.
I say, do what you want. You'll get your diploma either way if you don't walk right? And it is all good. *hugs*
Comments 6
College major was Bioengineering, but I'm changing it to Architecture or Theatre XD
Architecture over here ------------------------------------ Theatre over here, XD
You've got quite a range of talent. BUT, how rich do you want to be? ;)
Not smart at all ^^; My mom actually chose Bioengineering for me.
Probably not well suited for Architecture or Theatre, either, but they seem neat. The most realistic choice for me, though, is Japanese.
Anyhoo, since you asked, my major is filmmaking. I go here.
I say, do what you want. You'll get your diploma either way if you don't walk right? And it is all good. *hugs*
it's good to see you again ;)
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