Name:Sarah Green
Bands:Switchfoot, Ramones, Placebo, beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Flyod,Jimi Hendrix, muse, incubus yeah!!!
Movies: Free willy, Last Samuri, Back to the future, Finding nemo...LOL yup gotta love disney
Books: The yearling, the Jungle, Old gods almost dead.
Food: Pizza, peaches and cream YUMMY!
Actor/actress: BRAD PITT(TROY), Tom Foremen.
thoughts on
Bush: I dislike him very much,but talking about it only raises my blood pressure.
Abortion: I don't like the thought of it, but its up to the mother.
Animal rights: ANIAMLS HAVE RIGHTS TOO!!!! and I am an animal freak! I have 2 chickens,3 cats(2 i saved from death in the wild) 2 horses,and a stupid mule I took in,shes evil.
Gay rights: TOTALLY AGREE! my dad is gay(don't hold it against me)
Sex before marriage: no, its not a normal thing these days the average teen loses ther virginity at 14 so why not LETS DO IT! just kidding :)
Drugs/Drinking: NO No sat no to drugs I know first hand how nad they are...never will try anything again/
Why did you apply to this community? cuz I like rating communities
Why should we accept your application? I think so,NI have been reject to every other place I applied,I need a confidence boost.
Do you think you're hot enough? I sure hope so...
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