♥ Name; Jess
♥ Age; 15
♥ Location; Long Island
♥ Orientation; Straight
♥ Bands[10]; Bright Eyes, Senses Fail, Folly, Hellogoodbye, As I Lay Dying, Daphne Loves Derby, The Academy Is, Atreyu, Fall Out Boy, Death Cab For Cutie
♥ Movies[5]; Garden State, Constantine, Mean Girls, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Aladdin (yes a disney movie, I can't help it!)
♥ Books[3]; The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Cut, The Lovely Bones
♥ Concert you've been to and why; I've been to a lot of shows, but one that I really enjoyed going to was Bright Eyes recently, I love the music and the lyrics are extremely poetic and beautiful. I was pissed that girls were screaming 'I want your bod' at Conor though, I came there to hear music, not horny teenage girls.
least favorites;
♥ Bands[5]; Simple plan, good charlotte, green day, linkin park, anything hip hop or rap.. ((sorry if any of these are controversial...they just don't appeal to me))
♥ Movies[2] Dawn of the dead, Napoleon Dynamite ((I felt they both kind of wasted my time.))
♥ People; as in celebrities? Well I'll list both... I don't like Paris Hilton or Britney Spears. at all. People I know that I don't father.
♥ Candy; I can't stand the chocolates that come in the heart shaped boxes, cause some of them have coconut. Ew. I generally like all other candy though =)
♥ The War; I think it's stupid, we're somewhere we shouldn't have been in the first place and we're taking just as many lives as they are. I think wars in general are pointless, but this one just takes the cake.
♥ Gay Marriage; I think it's perfectly fine, if two people love each other they should be able to get married. Just because it's people of the same sex doesn't make them any different than the rest of us.
♥ President Bush; haha. He is just complete bullshit. I don't even want to go into my hate for this man and everything he stands for. Because I would be here for days. And so would you.
♥ sxe; I'm sXe, so I think sXe is cool. But I don't think that you should go around proclaiming it by having a huge X on your hand or whatever. I think that's taking it too far, not everyone is sXe and the people who aren't don't need to know that you're sXe, they'll find out when you refuse their drugs, drinks, and sex.
♥ abortion; I think abortion is ok in some cases. If you are a teen and your pregnant, I think it should be allowed, because it will take away so much from your education if you're pregnant. Also, if you have been raped and got pregnant, it should be allowed. But if you aren't then you have no right to take the life of another human, bullshit it's not alive when it's inside the mother, it moves doesn't it? If you don't want the kid, put it up for adoption.
♥ promote us in two peoples journal and show the link; pictures;
♥ a picture to make me laugh;
♥ a picture to make me cry;
♥ at least 2 clear shot pictures of yourself;
♥ any last words;
Yes, I hate applications, but I love you guys.
+You can be my James Dean, I'll be your sweet queen+